12. This isn't real

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He shook his head but quickly turned it into a nod. “I’m fine!” he replied immediately and probably a bit too fast.

I chuckled and moved next to him and he looked across at the photos again. What did he find so interesting?

“What are you looking at Alex?”  I moved closer so I was touching his side and I shuddered a bit. He felt really warm. He didn’t seem to notice and just pointed at one of the photos right in the middle.

I looked at it and smiled to myself, “It’s from my graduating year of high school” I explained. He nodded and moved closer so he could trace over the people. He stopped at one person that I recognised immediately.

“That’s me” he whispered and I squinted my eyes to get a better look. No it couldn’t be, that was Alex, no no no this isn’t real. What kinda of joke is this?

When Alex turned around I quickly masked my emotions, did he already know who I was?

“Where are you in this picture?” he asked, I panicked and just pointed vaguely. He nodded and continued studying the photo. I bit my lip and played with my fingers. I don’t think he knows, I’m not sure he even knows my name… How did I get myself into this situation?

“So how’s your girlfriend?” I asked as a conversation starter, trying to not be too awkward about it.

He instantly turned around and started talking about her but didn’t mention her name but at the very end he did, “Her name is Amelia, cute isn’t it”

I nodded distractedly, this was definitely him. It couldn’t be just be a coincidence. To be polite, I asked him a few more random questions about his work, his roommate and his course. Everything he told me confirmed it, I was sure this was him.

When Alex stood up to stretch as he had to leave when Kentin got back. I couldn’t help but have a peek at the small section of abs that I could just see. My face was warming up and my lip was about to bleed from biting so hard. I heard a ring go off on my phone, Kentin was coming back.

When he sat down again, he bounced onto half of my leg and I froze. I was stunned and I couldn’t breathe. Just as I was about to have a panic attack, Kentin strolled in and Alex fell off me onto the floor. I may have given him a little nudge, I was nervous and fidgety. How could I not see this before?

His bum was in the air and my face was reddening by the second. I teared my eyes away and greeted Kentin who gave Alex a weird look. I didn’t meet his eyes again, I didn’t want him to know.

“Were you sitting on his lap just as I came in?” he asked Alex, who was still picking himself up off the ground.

I spluttered out nonsense, suddenly unable to speak anything coherent. Alex just laughed it off and hit Kentin with the pillow multiple times.

I shouted them two a quick goodbye and fled the scene. I ran all the way to a place that I would always think of as safe. I curled up into a ball and let my head read against the shelves of books. I closed my eyes and let my imagination drift off.

My mind was reeling, clogs turning. It was a whirlwind of information and memories all crowded into one mind. I thought about the very first time I met him to the last time I ever saw him. It’s been too long, I fell for him so hard. He was like nothing else, I’ve never met someone like him.

The first time we met it was at Sienna’s party, we had gotten talking and we just clicked. I saw him a few more times that night then frequently at school since our group started to hang together. My eyes would always be drawn to him, not that he noticed.

Locking up my heart (boyxboy) CompleteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz