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Read the first book before this one, I am repeating the last chapter of the other book.

The book has thesame cover

But first

This is just a summary of what had happened

Zarah and muna-the two stepsisters are on a row since before Zahra left for sharjah.

Ahmad went to sharjah also for the meeting Zayed his brother sent him for.

Zayed, Ahmad and Amirah are siblings. They have being apart from their family since years back. Zayed and Ahmad live together, amirah lives in Arizona USA, and God knows where their parents are- which of course are parted also.

Zayed despises his mother, and her return made him more angry, and furious with paranoia. With the help of his brother Ahmad, things have been going smoothly though he refused to meet her after their last encounter which was the first day she stepped her foot on the soil of dubai.

Their father also came back which they claimed both is to heal their family. However Zayed do not hate his father reasons, he was with him all the time, he stood by him from the day their mother left them on his nineteenth year.

That very day has different memories though the bad has overpowered the good ones. It was on the same day, their mother left them claiming she was protecting them, the same day amirah left UAE to America, the same day Zayed also left to build his own life, leaving just their father alone as Ahmad was den at boarding school in sharjah. After two years Zayed went to sharjah to bring back his brother as he has his own company-thanks to amirah who gave him.

And just after 6 to 5 years of being separated their mother came back for them, and which no one of her children spared her a glance. Being her his wife, their father agreed the alliance because he didn't divorce her.

Amirah their sister who lived in Arizona is back after so many years of being apart, she came back to help her brothers especially Zayed to free them from their mother as she stated.

Zarah is on her way back with her twins best friend- Marwan and Marwa

Muna, Ramla and Hannan-munas best friend hang out everyday.

Jafar-the Jafar, ammar's and Ramlas brother, ammar, Jafar, and Ramla are family friends and the same time neighbors to the stepsisters-muna and zarah.

Zayed and Jafar who are 25, ammar Ahmad 23, Marwan, Marwa and Hannan 22, muna 21, zarah 20 and Ramah 19

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