I became a butterfly

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while Scarlett was drinking she heard Ben screaming and thumping upstairs, so she brought out her camera and videoed

When she got upstairs she saw Ben wrapped with a lot of sheets

Ben: tututututut I became a butterfly *unfolds sheets and has bra with small diaper*

Scarlett:*stares* is that my bra?

Ben:*stares back* oh shit! *runs away*

Scarlett: I'm gonna go drink some cola instead *goes to kitchen*


Ben: finally I lost her

Jeff: you look fab. Ben

Sally: Slendyyyyyy my eyes hurt

Slender: ben in your room now

Ben: okay...

Slender: are you wearing Scarlett's bra?

Ben: how'd you know it's her bra?

Slender: she told me

Ben: I only borrowed it

Sally: sure you did

Ben: shut up!! *shrieks like a girl and runs away*

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