A new magic trick

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After everyone met Anthony, they all heard a loud groan upstairs

Ben: Could this be a sign that someone is going to do IT later?

Jeff: Shut up Ben

Ben: *rolls eyes*

Payson: Come on let's check it out

everyone goes upstairs and soon finds where the noise came from

Scarlett: it's coming from Glitchy Red's room *opens the door a little* Oh My Gosh! *sees Red crying* I remember that look when I saw...hhhhhheeeerrrrr

Payson: What? what is it?! *pushes Scarlett away and looks*

Glitchy Red: Ugh! Agh! rrrgh! S-Stop it!

Payson: What are you watching? *looks at television*

Glitchy Red: T-that! *points at Miley twerking*

Jeff: C'mon Red everyone can do it *twerks at Slender*

Slender: Jeff! I am gonna kick yao buuuuuuns

Jeff: I ain't no stoppin'

Slender: Goodbye children

Anthony: why?

Slender: I was scarred for life *leaves room*

Glitchy Red: Oh no she'sgrindingherassonRobinThicke...runRobinrun

Scarlett: woah chill out, I told you not to watch this and now....look at...the shame...

Payson: you told him to watch this!!!!

Glitchy Red: Nonononothisisthestartoftheapocalypsenonononoshe'llchangetheworldshewillhuntmeshewill--- *gets hit by a tranquilizer*

Payson: he'll be asleep for a while

G.R: I want to see magic

Payson: Okay *steps in front of him* scarlett inject him with this *gives injection to Scarlett*

Payson: *Creates Olaf*

G.R: Yeah Nice magic!!! *laughs weirdly*

Scarlett: *waves injection* rubadungledinglepshshshdhdgdshshshshs *injects Red*

Dear readers...

    I can't think of anything at all!!!

Randomness CreepypastaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora