Scarlett and Ben...

38 3 1

Pewdiepie:world's most offensive game

After awhile, Ben and Scarlett forgave each other and played cards vs. humanity

Scarlett: know how to play this?

Ben: Yeah let's do this

~1 hour later~

Ben: What's the most emo

Scarlett: puberty

Ben: that's really offensive

Ben: what would Grandma find disturbing yet oddly charming *picks card* Sean Connery

Scarlett: Tasteful sideboob

Ben: eww

Ben: what did the US airforce drop the children of afghanistan *picks card* a cooler full of organs

*E.J and Zeth peeks out from the kitchen*

Ben: not for you

Scarlett: they dropped Natalie Portman

Ben: okay...?

Ben:What gives me uncontrollable gas *picks card* sniffing glue

Scarlett: fingering

Ben: *disgusting face* why?

Ben:okay I've got a good one...When I was tripping on acid White people turned into black people

Scarlett:*laughs really hard*

Ben:How did I lose my virginity *picks card* by profoundly handicapped

Scarlett: Bees

Ben: What have you been doing with bees?!

Scarlett: Nothing!

Ben: that's what I thought...what ended my last relationship

Scarlett: bitches

Ben: nice...

Scarlett: what's a girl's best friend

Ben: my vagina *laughs hard*

Ben: what are my parents hiding from me

Scarlett: a micropenis

Ben: what the hell is wrong with you woman!

Scarlett: It's Jeff's fault

Jeff: I wasn't doing anything

Ben: my parents are hiding from me... oh... Being a dick to children

Jeff: Lame...Scarlett obviously won

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