Hotaru Uchiha 6

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Hotaru Uchiha 6

"Hotaru..." Someone whispered. I opened my eyes, and saw darkness.

"Hotaru..." It was behind me. I turned around, and saw a blue bird. I walked slowly towards it.

"You know that tale about a little bird..." The bird whispered, as taking flight. "The little bird wanted to see all of the worlds coloures..."

The bird began flying around me. Slowly, the darkness began turning up into diffrent coloures. The bird flew through the blue colour.

"...And the little bird saw all the coloures." It whispered and flew through the red and yellow colour. The coloures began mixing up on its wings.

"But the coloures mixed up, and became..."

"Black." I whispered as I saw all the coloures mix up on the birds wings.

"It was too much for the bird, and it fell." It continued. I swallowed as I saw the bird fall towards the ground, beside me.

"The little bird died." It finished. The bird began dissapearing, the black colour began separating into coloures I had not seen before, not knowing their name.

As all the colours was gone, as nothing was left, tears began forming in my onyx eyes.

"The little bird is you, Hotaru." A final whisper was heard. "But your story has a diffrent path, but with the same ending."

I began crying now, soaking my long black hair, that somehow, got black again.

I continued crying as all the coloures formed back to black, into darkness.

"Wake up."

I opened my eyes. That was Sasukes voice, the one that said 'Wake up'.

I groaned as I remembered where I was. I was in a room, on a bed, with a window, a bathroom, a closet and a desk. This would be my room, from now on. Ironically enough, the window had a barrier. The while base had a barrier, just for me, so I couldent escape.

I stood up from the bed I was lying in, and walked towards the closet. When I opened it, I found my bag, that was full with weapons, and in the closet, there was some simple clothing, and one of Akatsukis robes.

I locked the door into my room and looked for videocameras, incase they were pervs. When I didnt found anything suspicious, I took of the black robe that I had from yesterday, and changed into some black shorts with a white belt and a t-shirt. Since it was atumn, it was pretty cold, so I took what I found over, which, in this case, was that robe with red clouds.

I didnt zip it up though, I didnt want to look like I was like them.

I locked up the door into my room and walked out. Silence. The corridoor was empty. I quickly walked inside my room and took a random weapon from the bag. Blade fan.

I sneaked out from the room again and into the corridoor and began running quietly through it. I knew that I couldnt escape, but I had to try, even if it meant to destroy the barrier. Somehow.

I ran out quietly through a door that looked like an exit, and cane out into the air.

"Summoning jutsu: Fire Phoenix!" I whispered while making the signs as running. A phoenix bird appeared before me, and I jumped up at it.

It began to fly up in the air, and the higher it got, the clearer I could see the barriar. It was somewhat blue. I bet that you cant see it from the outside.

I commanded the phoenix to get me to the ground, closer to the barrier. I jumped off the bird, onto the ground.

"Thank you, you are free to go now." I said and bowed to the bird. It dissapeared quickly.

Hotaru UchihaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon