Chapter Nine

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"So Adira," Madison picked up a fry delicately and pointed at her, "what was up with you that day during lunch? You nearly made the whole cafeteria pee their pants." The five were all eating lunch peacefully, enjoying the warm air at the bustling Sonic. Seated at a table placed in a seating area, Adira sighed and bit into a tender chicken strip, the meat juicy with the crunchy batter teasing her tastebuds.
"It was nothing. I just got serious for a second, that's all." Madison scoffed and ate the fry whole.
"It didn't sound like nothing. If I wasn't already afraid of you, I would have been absolutely terrified." Austin chuckled and took a sip of his Coke before saying, "You say that as if you aren't already."
Madison shot him an annoyed look before throwing half of the uneaten fry at him. "I am terrified of her ideas, but not her. There's a difference."
"You're braver than me. Adira, no offense, but you scare the beejus out of me." Ray said, shoving a mozzarella stick in his mouth. Madison wrinkled her nose in distaste at the sight. "Buth yooosh isth stish amazish." Adira slowly raised an eyebrow at him, barely catching what he said.
"Ray, it's not polite to speak with your mouth full." Jade chided him gently, and in result, Ray nodded his head apologetically. "And Adira, I'm not scared of you." She smiled sweetly and Adira stared at her with light eyes.
"Thank you, Jade. It's nice to know that one of my friends isn't scared of me." Adira sighed and leaned her cheek against her palm, making her appearance look more glum than usual. "It's sad to think that all of your friends are terrified of you. I don't think I can come back from this." She looked away as if she was truly upset, making the others share anxious looks.
"Addie, we're not scared of you! It's more like we're intimidated by you. Right, guys?" Jade shot the three others a meaningful look, making them raise their voices in agreement.
"Couldn't have said it better myself. Now, raise your chin up Prez. You know we'll have your back for anything." Austin leaned forward and poked her cheek, making her raise her eyes to meet his. When he did, he couldn't help but roll his eyes and grin. "I knew it. You just wanted to get our knickers in a twist, didn't you?"
"Of course, since Jade was the only one that displayed her fearlessness to me." Adira straightened quirked up an eyebrow quizzically. "All of you really didn't think that I would be upset over this, did you?"
A chorus of "No's," and "Of course not!" filtered around her and she tilted her head to the side, her eyes flickering with silent laughter. "Good, I'm glad that we are all on the same page." She became slightly more earnest as she began to move onto a different topic.
"Let's discuss the plans for the competition." Austin couldn't help but grin in anticipation, the electric feeling of excitment tickling up his spine.
"Ooh! We should talk about our outfits." Jade jumped a little in her seat, the same elation in her eyes that Austin was feeling. "Should we go with something flashy? Or maybe more down to earth."
"I don't know. I think I would love to see Prez in some leather pants," Austin chirped, his mood light. Madison rolled her eyes, and snorted.
"Stop being such a guy and actually throw in some good ideas. And besides," she paused long enough to crumple of her trash, "leather is not the best outfit choice. Can't you imagine all of the sleazy looks that we would get from the guys?" This made him frown instantly.
"I didn't think about that. I vote you guys where hippie dresses," he announced. "Those really flowery and long ones." This earned him a couple of fries thrown at him.
"I am not wearing those," Madison said, at the same time that Jade spoke.
"There is nothing wrong with those dresses!" Madison stopped her assault to Austin and stared at her.
"Wait, you totally dig those?" she asked. Jade huffed and nodded unapologetically.
"Of course. I mean, they are not my usual clothing choice but I wouldn't be embarrassed about wearing them." Now all of them stopped to give her a look, and for some odd reason, they could see it.
          "You know what, I think you would rock the look," Adira said, plopping a tater tot in her mouth. Madison gave her form a critical eye, noting her slim physique. With her kind chocolate brown eyes and chestnut brown hair, tinted with red highlights, Jade would match well with an outfit like that.
          "Have you ever thought about trying a new wardrobe?" Madison asked, still giving her a look over. Jade shook her head, pursing her lips in thought.
          "No, and I know what you're thinking. I am not going to purchase any 'hippie' dresses. Even though there is nothing wrong with their wardrobe choices." Ray rolled his eyes and leaned back into the chair, the metal cool through the material of his shirt.
          "Just embrace it. You could rock the look if you tried," he said. "Like how I can rock the geek stereotype to a T." Austin smirked and a sudden idea was starting to grow.
          "You know, this could work." His tone of voice was lower as he vocalized his thoughts.
          "What? Geeks?" Madison questioned in confusion, but Adira was starting to catch on.
          "Stereotypes," she murmured. "But how does this relate to the band?" Austin smiled wickedly, his eyes gleaming with exhilaration. He leaned forward, keeping the cool mask on but he was brimming with excitement.
          "The 5 Stereotypes," he said plainly. However, his words only left them staring back at him blankly.
          "Um, the 5 stereotypes what?" Jade asked, furrowing her brows trying to understand. Austin smirked knowingly, making Madison puff out a quick breath of air before narrowing her eyes at him.
          "Dude, tell us what is going on in that sick head of yours before I jump over this table and beat you with the rest of my fries." She pointed said fry at him in a threatening manner, but overall still look comical. Austin, unperturbed by her threat, suddenly pointed at her and said, "You'll be the violent one."
          "Uh, what?" she replied dumbly, the fry dropping from her fingers.
          "And you, the peace-maker and gentle one." He directed this to Jade, who still was clueless to what was going on, and when Austin turned to Ray. He bit the inside of his cheek and the two boys stared at each other, Ray more nervous and unable to determine what was going on behind Austin's blank mask. Finally, Austin broke out into a deliberate smile, and it made Ray tense as if preparing for an attack.
          "It's just like you said, Ray. You'll be the geek who worships videogames. Maybe we should get you some glasses," he laughed as Ray frowned severely and chucked his balled up napkin at him. Austin caught it with ease and grinned.
          "I was only saying that to cheer Jade up. Why do I have to be the nerd?" Ray groused.
          "You'll be a wonderful nerd, Ray." Adira soothed, watching the cars pass by. "And I'm starting to get where your idea is running to, Austin." He smiled and nodded.
          "I knew you would catch on, Prez. The question is, how much do you like it?" She dragged her gaze away from the busy traffic and gave him a long stare. He sat, unblinking as he let the gears in her mind in such a fashion that he wondered if anybody would ever be able to figure out. Because if broken, he wasn't sure if he would be able to put them back together again.
          And he was right, as Adira sat, she let his proposal revolve around her brain like a merry-go-round. It whizzed by in blurred colors and possibilities-an endless array of options open before her.
          The 5 Stereotypes. Jade, as lead singer, would represent the good girl-who loves all and despises disputes. Madison, the bass would be the 'tough girl' so to speak. A rough attitude but deep down has loyalty stronger than anything in this world. Ray, the pianist who was incredibly smart with money and has a skill for games. Which, is true.
          "And you," Adira blurted, staring impassively at Austin. "I can only assume you would be jock—the player both on the field and off." Austin smiled brightly, seemingly a proud glint in his eyes.
          "I knew you'd figure it out, Prez. But tell me, do you know what you would be?" She stopped and wondered. She honestly had no clue as to what category she would've been put in, and she voiced her thoughts.
          "I don't know." His smile seemed to grow wider.
          "You, my friend, would be the beautiful but cool President of the Student Council. With your seemingly cold exterior, you'll bring in all of the boys with your mysterious air and untouchable perfectness." Jade raised her hand as if it were a classroom and Austin raised an eyebrow in amusement before saying, "Yes?"
          "I think I get the gist of what's going on, but if we are representing all of these things, won't our outfits be different?" she questioned.
          "Ah, and there is where we reach our first obstacle. Yes, we would be dressed differently, and most bands do have some sort of signature to their outfits, but." He paused as a car passing honked loudly, the sound blaring in their ears before it cut off.
          "But," he started again, "that's our signature."
          "You want us all to dress differently, to show each stereotype accurately?" Jade said, still unsure. Austin snapped his fingers and smiled triumphantly.
          "And there we have our winner. Yes, that is exactly what I want. Of course, I imagine that we won't be the only band there with that same thought process but if we are able to portray them well enough, it should catch the crowd's attention."
          "And you want our band name to be called The 5 Stereotypes," Adira stated. He shrugged and scratched the back of his head.
          "That was more of a suggestion. Saying it outloud like that, it feels like a mouth full." The five were silent as they dug up ideas for a band name, tossing out suggestions like crumpled pieces of papers until they had found the perfect one.
          "The 5 Cliché's?" Jade offered. Madison shook her head and stared off into space.
         "Nah. I feel like I've heard that before. How about The Council?" Austin shook his own head and crossed his arms, his brows wrinkling in thought.
          "That sounds too serious. We sound more like a cult, if anything."
          "How about 5 Cliques?" Ray piped up, drumming his fingers on the table. This made everyone go silent, letting the name roll around in their muddy minds. Adira was the first one to speak after five minutes of silence between them all.
          "I like that. What about you guys?" In answer, Austin stood and walked until he was behind him. Wrapping his arm loosely around his neck, he began to rub his knuckles on his head, a wide grin on his face.
          "That's our nerd! I knew you could do it."
          "Oh, shove off Austin," Ray grumbled but he was smiling as well.
          "Ah, I guess it's official now. 5 Cliques," Madison murmured. "It does have a nice ring to it. What about you Jade, what do you think?"
          "I love it," she said with a bright smile. Nodding, Adira straightened in her seat and looked at each of them. They all pulled their attention to her immediately, as if her very gaze demanded their awareness.
          "Then it's final." She stood and stared at them with twinkling eyes. "The brand new 5 Cliques is ready to officially begin."

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