Chapter Eight

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          "I can't believe we are really doing this." Ray nervously fidgeted as all five student council members browsed through the music store, searching for new equipment for the band. "It's not going to work." Madison scoffed and whacked him lightly on the side of the head.
          "Stop being such a downer all the time, Ray. You can at least pretend to be optimistic, can't you?" Madison found a dark purple bass that caught her interest, leaning closer to study it.
          "I'm being realistic here, and it seems like I'm the only one doing so."
          "Exactly. A party pooper. So why don't you go look at the piano's or something." She waved her hand dismissively, still not looking at him.
          "It's a keyboard," he huffed in a mumble. At this, she did glance up at him.
          "Does it have black and white keys?" she asked him.
          "Yes, but—"
          "And does it play the same notes?" she interrupted, not deterred.
          "Well, yes. But—"
          "Then it's a piano. In a smaller form." And she left it at that. Ray opened his mouth to object but thought better of it, and sulked to the "piano" section. Out of this whole ordeal, Adira and Austin watched the two with shared humor.
          "I'm betting ten dollars in three months," she spoke.
          "Do you have no faith? I give it two." Adira scoffed and shot him a sideways glance.
          "Two? You obviously don't know women." He grinned crookedly and shook his head.
          "It's obvious that you don't know men, Prez." Her expression turned mystified and she began looking around, her eyes searching.
          "Where are those men you speak of? I can't seem to find any of them." Jade, who just walked from behind them, couldn't help but let out a small snicker. Austin whipped around and narrowed his eyes at her.
          "I thought you were nice." He accused and she smiled sweetly, her chocolate brown eyes shining with mirth.
          "I'm all for world peace, but that doesn't mean I can't laugh at a good joke when I hear one." Austin grumbled and decided to go check out some of the guitars that caught his eye earlier, leaving the two girls by themselves. "So Adira, anything you need here? We don't get to come here much anymore."
          And by "here," Jade meant was the city an hour away from White Rock. The Saturday afternoon was as sunny as any other, but was overwhelmingly beautiful as they drove with the wide highway in front and the sun kissed beach off to their right.
         "Not much, just a pair of new sticks is all in need. Everything else is already back at home." Jade was puzzled for a second before understanding lit her face.
         "I remember! You went through a phase where you were a hardcore drummer, didn't you?"
          "We do not bring up those memories. Ever." Her face was dead serious but Jade caught the glint of embarrassment in her eyes. Laughing lightly, Jade gave her a side hug.
          "All right, I won't say another word." She paused, then: "But I loved your hair."
          Adira groaned and smacked her jokingly on the arm. "You know those were my dark years."
          "Yeah, and so was your eyeshadow." Adira groaned, this time longer and louder.
          "Is something dying?" Madison caught the last part of her groan, frowning as she heard the sound.
          "That would be the sound of my dignity." Adira sighed and Madison couldn't help but chuckle at her.
          "Your dignity died when your hair looked like a cotton ball that experienced a tornado." Madison smirked and Adira shot her a playful glare, which really didn't look playful but full on terrifying. But, as Madison had known Adira for a long time, she could decipher most of her facial gestures by now. Most of them, anyway.
           "Like I said, those years are never to be spoken of."
           "In your dreams, Prez. Those days will never disappear." Austin came back with a goofy smile, a dark red guitar in his right hand. Adira nodded her head towards it.
          "Is that the one?" He smiled widely.
          "Isn't she a beauty? She'll be the true star of the show." He cooed rather softly to the stringed instrument, making Adira wonder about his sanity. But, as always, she knew his sanity was well intact even though it was on shaky grounds on some occasions.
          "Well, let's go then. I'm starving," Madison broke his trance and they all agreed. After they finished getting a couple of supplies (new book full of blank music sheets, and a couple of microphones along with a new speaker that Madison swore were a must-have), while all of the money that was spent came out of leftover fundraisers and a few hundred out of the two thousand meant for the trip.
           The group walked out into the afternoon sun, one thought shared among all of them.
           "Panera Bread," Madison piped up.
           "Mcalister's for lunch!" Jade exclaimed.
           "Dairy Queen is a must," Ray interjected.
          "Famous Dave's is what I crave." Austin offered his two cents.
          "Sonic." Adira was the last one to voice her idea for a place to eat, and her choice made everyone pause to look at her.
          "Sonic? You would rather eat at Sonic than Panera Bread?" Madison wrinkled her nose at the thought of someone choosing something other than Panera Bread.
          "Who wants to eat at that low calorie healthy people place? Get some more meat on your bones, and let's get some ribs little Becky." Austin smirked and ruffled her hair. Almost like a cat, she swatted at him before shooting him daggers.
"I'll have you know, their salads are to die for." Austin simply rolled his eyes.
"Uh, hello? There's more to life then salad. Ever tried to eat a whole rack of ribs?"
"Hold up, the both of you. How can you guys say no to McAlister's?" Ray wrinkled his brow as he looked at Jade.
"Isn't that another place that sells salads?" he asked her. She nodded with a smile.
"Yes! But not just salads. They simply have the best sweet tea around." She sighed happily just thinking about it. "What about you, what makes you like Dairy Queen, Ray?" His grayish-blue eyes lit up at the mention of the restaurant.
"Their blizzards, obviously. I'm addicted to their double fudge cookie dough." The other four could practically see the drool dripping off of his chin.
"I want Sonic's chicken strips." Adira inserted her answer before anyone could put any more of their inputs, a short and sweet answer. "Plus, they have good onion rings."
Nobody said anything for a long second, taking their time to digest her words. Just thinking about it, the other four began to realize that, yes, Sonic did indeed have good chicken strips and a new craving for their mozzarella sticks blossomed as well. Adira stared levelly at them as the group stood silent in front of the music store, all of them mentally debating as to what to decide. Austin was the first to speak up.
"You know what Prez, Sonic does sound good. I would love to get my hands on some of their tater tots." He grinned widely and wrapped an arm around her shoulders loosely.
"Well, I guess I can live without Panera's salad for today. But you owe me, Addie." Madison smirked at her while her eyes glinted mischievously, letting Adira know that she would really come to her to collect her debt.
"Their sweet tea will do as well. But now I really want their onion rings." Jade's stomach rumbled just thinking about it.
"I guess we can save money this way, and I do love their coney dog." Ray's last input sealed the deal and Adira nodded.
"I guess that decides it then. Who wants to drive?"

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