Chapter Four

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          Nolan cursed before grabbing his bag and making a mad dash across the cafeteria.
         "Room 109." Adira called after him and he lifted his hand in a small wave of thanks before jogging through the doors. They shut with a quiet click, leaving Adira standing alone. "I can't believe he forgot." She shook her head before strolling towards the doors, whistling quietly in the empty room.
          She didn't know what to make of him yet. Nolan was a boy that seemed to be all smiles and charm, the complete opposite of her. And from what she could see in the halls from earlier that day, everybody was already transfixed and unable to look away. Even Khloe wouldn't stop gushing about him during class.
          Rolling her eyes to herself, she began making her way out of the cafeteria. As she entered the hall, the empty corridor felt almost lonely without the bustling of other students. She made her way through the school with ease, having wandered these halls for four years. By now, she could trace every crack in the wall and every chipped tile with her eyes closed. She could even say what each mysterious stain was on some of the lockers. Even though, it would be better if one didn't know anyway.
          Adira finally arrived to the front doors, not pausing as she pushed it open with the hinges groaning quietly at her. Instantly, the sun smacked her in the face with such ferocity that Adira thought that she had just ran into a brick wall. Sucking in a deep breath, she let the hot summer air fill her lungs like nicotine, completely addicted to the feeling.
          Sighing happily, she began walking down the sidewalk that branched off to the left. Strolling casually, she let the wind grab her hair and soothe her from the summer sun's hot touch. The chirping of birds surrounded her and she could smell the saltiness of the sea in the air.
          Well look at that. This is where Blaine's saltiness came from, Adira thought to herself jokingly. But I wonder why he seemed so upset earlier. Before she could dwell deep into her thoughts, she saw Blaine himself just ahead of her, standing underneath an old oak tree that had stood in place for years way beyond all of them combined.
         Earlier, Adira was joking when she said she made Blaine run laps around the school, but Nolan not yet quite accommodated to her personality thought that she truly made the poor boy run. Yet, Blaine stood in the shade that provided him a quick reprieve from the sweltering heat as sweat trickled down his spine slowly, reminding him of his weakness for the sun.
          "Are you ready to go?" Blaine turned his head to stare at Adira, nodding to answer her question. Wordlessly, they began walking alongside each other and made their trek to their old hangout spot. This routine was repeated constantly, almost religiously as they walked the sidewalk that had been walked on by their steps a hundred times before. If you were to really look hard enough, you may even see the faint prints of their shoes etched into the sidewalk like a tattoo.
          "What do you think of Nolan?" Blaine blurted, his thoughts wanting to know Adira's own. She hummed in consideration, tossing the question around her mind like the rolling waves of the ocean.
          "He doesn't seem too bad. Smiles a lot, but I guess that makes him charming in a way."
          "What you said earlier, about how you didn't want a boyfriend. Did you mean that?" Blaine mentally died, his soul utterly done with his bluntness and idiocy. Adira tilted her head at him, a lock of her honeyed hair falling over her shoulder, her green eyes watching him with critical attention.
          "Yes. Why do you want to know?" she asked him. He met her eyes steadily but in his chest his heart pumped blood furiously as nervous energy was released throughout his body. His limbs felt lighter and his throat became dry as his careless words were close to revealing his crush to the honey-haired beauty standing besides him.
          "Nothing, I was just curious is all." He drawled lazily and he hoped that she would take the answer and accept it. However, as she continued to stare at the side of his face, he felt the creeping dread start to enter his mind.
          "I won't force you to tell me until you're ready," she murmured quietly and Blaine froze, as if her words had physically grabbed him. She stopped alongside him and watched him quietly, patiently letting her own hidden suggestion of her knowing settle deep underneath the words spoken.
          "Tell you what, exactly?" He was almost too scared to hear what she would respond with. Adira could sense the uneasiness rolling off of her friend, the green of his eyes dark with his strong emotions. She had known him for about a year now, and she had figured out his blooming feelings as the time spent together became frequent.
          "Do you really want me to elaborate?" Adira asked seriously. Blaine stayed silent and Adira decided to just drop the subject. The air around them hinted an awkwardness that Adira felt bad for being the cause of, but she knew she should address what weighed on his shoulders.
          "How long?" He spoke so softly, Adira almost didn't hear him. But she did.
          "For a while now. I watched you struggle with the fact as well. You never knew how to ask me," Adira said just as quietly. Cars drove passed as the sound of distant waves filled the space between them, their measured steps seemingly heavier than when they had left the school. "I didn't want to push it since you never brought it up." She added into the passing breeze.
          "I guess I'll thank you for that," he replied dryly, not sure how to process the conversation. "I didn't know I was so easy to read."
          "You're not," Adira said simply. "I've just had a year to watch and get closer to you." Blaine managed a small smile.
          "You've been watching me? You're such a stalker." She elbowed him gently in the side, the same mask on her features but her light green eyes showed her amusement.
          "You know what I mean, Blaine." He laughed and Adira relaxed at the sound, happier to see her friend less tense.
          "I didn't say that was a bad thing. I just didn't peg you as the creepy, stalkerish type."
          "I guess there are some things you don't know about me after all," Adira said, her eyes serious. The look made chills trail up his spine, never seeing such a look from her.
          "You're right, of course." Blaine acted flippantly but really, her eyes shook him to the core. "But there are some things that you don't know about me as well, Adira." She didn't respond and instead the two walked the rest of the way to the little cafe that they always met, the silence between them holding untold truths that were not yet going to be revealed. Soon, they could see their destination just ahead.
          Chelsea's Coffee Shop was where the three friends spent most of their free time, enjoying the treats that Chelsea herself created. Blaine held open the door for Adira to walk in, and she thanked him before entering the cool interior of the quant shop. Her eyes took a moment to adjust to the sudden dimness, the harsh brightness of the sun no longer bearing down on her. The delicious smell of mysterious treats wafted throughout the little cafe, making both Adira and Blaine sigh in content. The pair looked at each other before Blaine chuckled.
          The two made their way to the counter, just a few other patrons occupying some of the vacant booths and tables. There were some that were from the local college, with thick books splayed out on a table while some others had only a simple laptop, tapping away as if their lives depended on it. But with essays due in just a few days, their lives may be on the line if they wanted to pass.
          "Well, there's my favorite customers! You've left me to be lonely the last couple of days without your presence." Chelsea Gunn was a woman whom you couldn't help but instantly like.
          Her dark brown skin always reflected the light beautifully, making the whites of her teeth even whiter. Her black bob ended at her chin and dimples always formed on her cheeks as she smiled widely. The dark  brown of her eyes always twinkled with some type of emotion. Whether it be uncontained merriness or heavy gloominess, the brown orbs always glinted with feelings of any kind. Chelsea came around the counter to give the two a hug, standing at 5'5", she came up to Adira's mouth, while standing over Blaine.
          "Sorry. School became hectic the last few days." Adira explained and Blaine nodded his agreement.
          "You have no idea how many tests we had to do," Blaine groaned. "You would have thought that it was the end of the school year."
          "Technically, it is the end of first quarter," Adira inserted. Chelsea laughed and went back behind the counter to get their usual. Blaine frowned at her and crossed his arms over his chest.
          "Don't remind me. I have a pile of unopened letters from at least thirty different colleges," he grumbled. "I'm not even sure if I want to got to college anyway." As they were talking, the pair had begun to drift off to their usual booth besides the windows outlooking the park just across the street.
          "Well, haven't you figured out what you want to do?" Adira inquired. Blaine shrugged and plopped onto the booth, making him bounce slightly.
          "I have some ideas," he responded vaguely. "But it's too expensive to even consider going to the college that I want." Adira tilted her chin slightly and sat across from him.
          "Why do you say that?" she asked. Blaine stared out the window, trying to come up with an excuse. But the reality of it was: he didn't want to leave. Or, to put it more simply, he didn't want to grow up. And he was embarrassed by this fact.
          "You do know that you're smart enough to get a scholarship into any college you want, right? That's why you have piles of college invites sitting at home, wanting you to go." She presented her argument well, laying down the facts plain to see.
          "I know that. But..." Blaine didn't know how to end the 'but', and honestly? He didn't want to. Adira looked at him calmly, the light green of her eyes peaceful and understanding.
          "Don't force yourself to tell me. There are things that you want to keep to yourself, and I respect that." Blaine laughed bitterly as he listened to her.
          "You're too nice for you own good, Adira. You're making me feel worse for what I'm keeping from you." She opened her mouth to respond but Chelsea broke the tension between them as she laid two large pieces of red velvet cake covered with sweet cream.
          "You two seem awfully serious today. Is everything alright?" The young woman looked at them with concern, her eyes full of kindness.
          "Everything is all good, Chelse. Just talking about the future is all," Blaine drawled, giving an air of indifference.
          "That does cause quite a lot of stress, I suppose. I remember those years being afraid to grow up." She sighed as she remembered her time in high school but Blaine froze as her words hit close to home. Adira noticed the stiffness of his body, but didn't comment.
          "It's pretty intimidating, when I think about it," Adira said, "I always wonder where the time had gone."
          "Now you're thinking too much ahead, dear. Kids like you need to keep looking forward and worry more about the present and future rather than the past. When you're older, you'll have time to ponder the times before." Chelsea smiled warmly at them before leaving them to enjoy their treat.
          "She's right, as always." Blaine speared his fork into the soft cake, the mouthwatering sweetness enticing his senses to the fullest. "Even though the future is something that I don't want to touch with a mile long stick." Adira quirked a brow and bit into the cake on her fork, the delicious sweet dissolving on her tongue.
          "A normal response I would think," Adira responded with. "The future is not something that can be predicted easily. Not unless you're a psychic but even they can become surprised. So, I think it's only normal to be afraid of something that is not known to us." She took another bite, closing her eyes briefly as she was hit with the sound of singing angels.
          Not literally, of course. But that's what it felt like as she ate any treat here at Chelsea's Cafe, famous for desserts such as the one that she was currently sinking her teeth into. Chelsea was a genius in her own right with baked goods, her hands molding the individual ingredients into creations that rivaled that of any famous pastry chief. Blaine was just glad that he was able to get a taste of her masterpieces.
          Adira and Blaine chatted quietly, talking of nothing and everything. They let the subject of the future simmer between the air, the topic too hot to touch yet. That's how they spent the hour until Blaine noticed her attention become caught with something else. Or someone else.
          "They're here." Was all she said and Blaine turned his head to look out the window to see Khloe's familiar looking little BMW pull into the parking lot, followed by a less known and unassuming black Sedan.
          "You won't tell Khloe about my feelings, will you?" Blaine never looked at her. More or less, he didn't want to see her  steady stare bore onto his face. Which she was doing anyway, but she turned her head to watch her friend and the new kid make their way across the lot to the cafe.
          "I'm slightly offended that you would think that I would do that. But, understandable. I promise I won't tell. I haven't told a soul for this long, why would I do it now?" Blaine didn't say anything but nod, his eyes almost glaring at his empty plate. While they sat in silence, the other duo chatted freely.
           "How long have you been friends with them?" Nolan asked Khloe curiously.
          "Blaine just moved here last year, although as you can see, we don't get along quite as well as we do with Adira." She chuckled to herself before continuing, "Sometimes I wonder why we're even friends. Blaine and I, that is. He's the pretty boy—a guy from the big dazzling city of Los Angeles. While little old me, who has lived in a small little town all her life, has nothing to share about the world. But Adira and I, we've been friends since childhood. You know, classic small town bffs. " She stopped as they approached the door, Nolan opening it for Khloe, who nodded her thanks as she walked past.
          As Nolan followed her into the little cafe, he let her words chase after each other in his mind. He couldn't help but notice the way Khloe talked about Blaine—a sort of sad longing on her face. If he was correct in his thinking, Khloe just might like Blaine. More than she lets on, that is.
          "There's the third favorite customer of mine, along with a new face I see." Chelsea smiled warmly to Nolan, giving a welcoming air that filled the cafe with its presence.
          "Hello, I'm Nolan Axton." He held out his hand for her to take and she rolled her eyes and yanked him into a hug, her thin arms encircling him with a firmness that portrayed her hidden strength.
           "Handshakes are for those who are complete bores. Around here, a good bone crushing hug is the proper way to greet someone." Chelsea pulled back before he could return the favor and looked up at him with her glittering dark eyes. "A hug is the true way to a girl's heart. Remember that, young man." He couldn't do anything but nod, his eyes slightly widening at her sudden love advice.
           "Now, why don't you two go join the others. I'll get your treats in just a moment." She didn't give them time to respond as she twirled and with the flourish, glided away and disappeared into a swinging door leading to the kitchen. Nolan stared after her, the distinct scent left behind was of flour and sugary mysteries that were unnamable to him.
          "You can expect her to be this cheerful everyday. Possibly even in her dreams I imagine," Khloe said humorously. "Yet she has the best cookies around so I'm not going to complain. Now, follow me. We usually sit at the booth over there." Kylie pointed to the booth that Adira and Blaine currently occupied. Adira gave a little wave and Blaine simply stared out the window thoughtfully, the back of his head the only thing that could be seen.
          "How was class?" Adira asked as they walked over. Khloe sighed and flopped besides her, her hair flinging into Adira's face.
          "Just as boring as yesterday, Addie. You know how I feel about history." She frowned dramatically and leaned against her shoulder, Adira simply shook her head and tilted her head.
          "You may not think this, but knowing our history is-"
          "I know, I know. It helps us learn from our past mistakes," Khloe interrupted. "But I'm not going to be the president of the United States. Heck, I hate politics!"
          "You wouldn't be the only one. Why do you think I took it last year?" Blaine finally joined in, now facing forward. Nolan took it upon himself to sit besides him, the action poking the beast of Blaine's displeasure.
          "Well, I'm sorry that I'm not as smart and perfect as you, Athena spawn." He scowled severely, his irritation getting the best of him.
          "Would it kill you to stop calling me that?" he said through gritted teeth. Khloe did not take notice of his rising anger.
          "Yes it really would. I can't live a second without annoying you, Athena spawn." This seemed to break his restraint at last, his eyes narrowing while he stood on the booth—making Nolan startle from the sudden action and to which he bumped his knee rather painfully—and jumped over the table in one graceful motion.
          To describe Nolan as amazed would be an understatement. He couldn't process the action quick enough before Blaine blurred across the cafe and out into the parking lot. No one said a word as they watched his retreating back go down the sidewalk, his golden head disappearing out of sight. The only sound between the three was of Adira sighing, her eyes on her friend.
          "You shouldn't have pushed his buttons so much, Khloe. He's having a rough day." Khloe turned her head, not daring to look at Adira and her piercing eyes.
          "It's not my fault that he can't take a joke," she muttered.
          "Khloe." Both Nolan and Khloe jumped at the sharpness of her tone, the edge in it so sharp it could cut diamond. "Stop acting like a child. You knew how bad his mood was getting, and you kept egging it on. What's going on with you?" Her last question threw Khloe off, the directness of it and the fact being that Adira caught on, even when Khloe herself didn't.
          "Nothing is going on, Addie. What makes you think that?" Adira analyzed her childhood friend, noting how she wouldn't even look her in the eyes.
Adira knew what Khloe felt for Blaine, as she knew his feelings as well. It was strange for her, yet it was ironic as well. Adira could not express her feelings as well as others. However, Adira was phenomenal at reading other people's feelings, but she kept that little detail to herself.
          Adira saw the discomfort that was hidden on her face, the relaxed mask invisible to Adira's eyes. Khloe felt rising panic as Adira's eyes kept to her face, the critical way she was staring at her made Khloe shift in her seat uncomfortably. Nolan just watched the two with a confused air.
          Finally, after a few more agonizing seconds, Adira sighed quietly and looked away.
          "I'll leave it alone. But I am confused myself as to what to feel to see people so close to me so uncomfortable around me," Adira murmured, her eyes distant. "Anyway, I just realized I needed to get back to the school." This caught Khloe's attention and she gave her a curious look.
          "But track practice doesn't start in a couple hours still."
          "I have some student council things to deal with. I need to figure out what fundraisers we need to do," Adira explains while waiting patiently for Khloe to scoot out. Once she did, Adira rose and patted her friend lightly on the shoulder. "After all, I am in charge of the senior field trip this year. I have to make sure it's the best." Adira dug around in her pocket, pulling out a few rumpled bills and laying them on the table.
          "I apologize to be leaving without staying to chat, Nolan. But Khloe is very capable to show you everything you need to know." Adira nodded her goodbye and walked out without saying another word. Nolan watched her disappear the opposite direction of Blaine, her hair blowing slightly from the summer breeze.
          "Adira seems to be the straight forward, few words type," Nolan commented. Khloe chuckled lowly and slid back into the booth.
          "Yeah, she's always been that way. But don't worry, you'll be charmed with her soon enough. Everybody does." She murmured the last part more to herself, her eyes thoughtful. Nolan gave her a small smile, before changing the subject to lighten up the mood.
          "So, what's the best thing on the menu?" he asked and instantly she smiled, her eyes twinkling once more.
          "You better buckle up, my French fiend. Because your mouth is about to experience the ambrosia of Chelsea's magic."

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