Chapter One

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The day was warm and the sun high. It was the perfect day and no one couldn't help but smile at the tranquility that the weather presented. Yet as one would look closer, they would notice the seventeen year old walking to school look as glum and stoic as if it were the cloudiest of days.
Adira Blackwood couldn't help but close her eyes and breathe in deeply, inhaling the summer breeze. She let it out slowly, opening her eyes to the overbearing sun shining down on her as if it personally held a grudge against her. Living in a small beach town in the state of California was a peaceful life; the ultimate goal in a small town such as this was to enjoy the waves and soak in the sun. In Adira's mind, it was perfection and eased her worries away.
As she continued the slow pace, the sound of light footsteps approached closer from behind her. Before she could react a slight body rammed into her back with a force equal to that of a pillowcase full of feathers.
"Yo Adira!" Adira tilted her head to the side to catch a glimpse of a shockingly golden head of hair, lighter with the sun's rays.
"Blaine," Adira answered in greeting. Blaine Pearson stepped in front of her, revealing a slender physique and dark green eyes that twinkled up at her.
"You look bored as usual. I swear, I will never get used to it." Blaine started walking in front of her, turning and walking backwards so they were still face-to-face and keeping their progress to the school.
"It is what it is," Adira said not for the first time. Blaine grinned up at her, dimples making an appearance on each cheek. Adira could only describe Blaine as dazzling, a boy who outshone most of the girls in this small town. Of course, Blaine never did like his feminine stature and appearance, cursing the high heavens of fate whenever he had the chance.
"It's just not fair - why must I endure these looks when I am a guy? It's getting old being mistaken as your younger sister, Adira." The way he would say this was not meant in any presumptuous manner, but more matter of fact. It was true that Blaine would always get mistaken as her little sister, when in truth, he was a seventeen year old boy.
"You cannot change what is already done, Blaine." This was Adira's answer to the woeful complaints of his, having replayed this scenario a million times before.
His golden hair that reached the tips of his ears shone brighter than the glittering waters of the never-ending ocean, his green eyes a shade darker than Adira's. His willowy form was that of a dancer, even though Blaine himself did not have one rhythmic bone in his body. His high cheekbones and full lips did not help with his predicament either, as well as his 5'4" height. His golden lashes was a force to be reckoned with as they could get whatever he wanted with a single flutter. His fair skin only added to the appearance of a glass china doll, and only made him more aware of the attention that he attracts.
In Adira's opinion, she found Blaine utterly adorable even though she would never speak those words out loud as she was completely aware of what his reaction would be.
"I can't change the fact that I can't smile; it is just another quirk that I can add to my list," Adira mused to Blaine, but her expression still had that blank look that was permanently etched on her face. If Blaine was being honest to himself, he found her emotionless mask to be unnerving even when he knew that it was something that Adira herself could not control. But the feelings of a tiny crush that soon bloomed into something bigger rushed into Blaine's heart in a fast action, taking him by surprise each time the two spent time with each other. The meeting of the pair would be something that the hands of fate indeed may have dabbled with.
Just a year prior, Blaine was the typical new kid coming from the city of Los Angeles, the change of scenery drastically different from the busy streets to the calm Californian town of White Rock. Blaine still remembered it clearly as he walked along the sidewalk that led to the red brick school building, the sight almost like a fairy tale as he regarded the structure with awe-filled eyes.
Adira herself was running late that day, spending one too many hours studying the night before. So, as Blaine strolled while Adira rushed, the two collided as they met at the same time where the branched sidewalk met in the middle just in front of the entrance. That was where Blaine met the enigma which was Adira.
"We need to hurry, or else we will have to endure an hour lecture about the importance of time." Adira's voice brought Blaine out of his clouding memories, making him shake his head to clear the mist of past feelings.
"That would probably be a good idea," he agreed. He paused as Adira kept walking until he now stood at her side before matching her longer step. The two teenagers walked in peace, enjoying the company that they provided each other all the while letting the morning sun caress their skin in a loving touch before it becomes too fierce as the day progresses. Cars passed them, a few of them honking in greeting and the two waved back as they continued. As five minutes passed of walking through the streets of the town, walking by quaint little shops and restaurants, they had finally arrived to their destination. Adira pulled out her phone to see the time being exactly eight o'clock.
Right on time, Adira thought with satisfaction. Other students were already making their way into the building, the parking lot halfway full of vehicles and seemed it would continue to be filled as others began to arrive.
"Hey Adira!" A voice called across the lawn of the school, making Adira focus her attention on the source. A girl came bounding her way towards the two, her russet colored hair flowing behind her like a cape as she ran is if she was on a mission to save someone.
"Khloe? What's the matter?" Khloe Watts stopped in front of the pair, panting slightly from the exertion she just put her body through.
"I don't know how you do it Adira," she said through quick bursts of air, sucking in deeply to regain her regular breathing.
"Do what exactly?" Adira couldn't help but ask with a raised brow. Khloe straightened once she got her breath back and smiled up at her, her white teeth gleaming.
"Running. How in the world you run track and cross country is a mystery to me with basketball on top of it all." Adira shrugged at Khloe's gaze of admiration.
"I just enjoy it, that's all. Anyway, what did you need that had you rushing over?" The trio began to walk their way into the building, the relief of cool air covering them all in a welcoming embrace.
"I have some swell news," she exclaimed excitedly, her whole body bouncing. Blaine furrowed his eyebrows at the girl, her overly excited attitude always made him cautious for reasons he was unsure. His theory was he spent so much time with Adira, who didn't show much emotion, and so he had to acclimate to other emotions once they were separated.
"Well let's hear it then," Blaine urged, the feeling of curiousness creeping in. Khloe gave him a mischievous look, her hazel eyes glowing.
"I am sorry to say, Angel Boy, but you won't be the newest member of White Rock High any longer," she announced in a grand gesture. "In fact, the new guy is one smoking piece of meat and, he's moving here from Paris." Adira couldn't help but shake her head at her friend.
"From Paris? Don't tell me we are going to get some Casanova." Blaine groaned as he thought about it, knowing that the peaceful halls of his high school could potentially be filled with a playboy looking for some fun.
"If we do, at least he will be a hot Casanova," Khloe giggled.
"What's his name?" Adira asked her. The three walked to their first class, no need to go to their lockers as their first class was a free hour.
"You won't believe it, but his name is even attractive." Blaine rolled his eyes at her as the three sat down, the chatter of other students filling the room slowly.
"How do you even know all of this?" Blaine questioned, a look of bemusement in his eyes.
"I am offended that you have not the slightest idea of how good I am on getting information, Angel Boy."
"Stop calling me Angel Boy," Blaine responded in exasperation. Khloe laughed while Adira sat with the same impassive expression that was always constant on her face.
"I can't help it. Whenever I have the chance to tease your looks I just can't pass it up," Khloe kept teasing him. The two started bickering and Adira sighed as she listened. This was the daily ritual that the three friends went through every morning, the constant prattling of insults was what filled most of their time. Yet, this particular day was going to be disrupted by the Casanova that Khloe had mentioned before, a boy eighteen just by a few months that was going to interrupt the peaceful life of Adira and her friends.
The bell rang signaling the beginning of class, the sound brassy in Adira's ears. The remaining students standing fled to their seats, careful of the teacher as she stood in front of the room.
Mrs. Bancroft, a world history teacher and in charge of free period, studied the class with watchful eyes, counting each of them in her head to determine who was absent and who was not. She nodded after making sure everyone was in attendance before speaking.
"Class, in just a few moments a new student will be making his introduction so please, welcome him." A stern look was placed on her features, a tall woman who reminded Adira of a willow tree with her thin stature and tall build. However, her warm brown eyes shone with a kindheartedness that made her sharp features appear soft.
"I'm telling you, Casanova is going to be a sight to see," Khloe leaned over to tell Adira.
"I've been meaning to ask, but have you even met this guy?" Adira inquired. She nodded her head rather energetically, causing her russet colored curls to bounce along with the movement.
"Yes." Adira tilted her head slightly to the side, her own golden brown strands tickling her arms placed on the desk.
"Where?" Khloe grinned secretively, a new twinkle lighting up in her eyes.
"Wait, are you interested in him Adira?" Blaine couldn't help but overhear from the other side of Adira, his body becoming taut. The two didn't notice his reaction and Adira's eyebrows furrowed.
"Khloe, your bad habit is coming out again." Khloe pouted, leaning back into her chair with her arms crossed.
"You know I'm only looking out for you. When was the last time you had a boyfriend?"
"Says the girl who is more single than a Pringle," Adira shot back calmly. Both Blaine and Khloe stared at Adira with matching blank looks before they ended up in fits of laughter. In the middle, Adira sat unperturbed by the two and didn't join in.
Adira Blackwood was a phenomenon that caused the curiosity of many others as she always seemed to have the same expression every day of every hour. Not once has anyone ever seen her smile, not even a twitch. And because she has never smiled, she has never laughed as well. People whisper that she is simply stuck up - a snobby only child who was spoiled rotten. Others say that something is mentally wrong with her, that she's sociopath. However, as the people of White Rock grew up with her, they begun to realize that it wasn't any of those things.
Adira was a normal girl who just never smiled. A conundrum if anyone had seen one.
She was a happy, athletic teenager who loved to try all things, who enjoyed long walks on the beach while surfing the waves the next day; a typical teenager. That's just who she was and everybody in the town loved Adira sincerely.
"Oh Addie, that made my day." Khloe wiped the tears from her eyes, the result from the continuous giggles that kept overtaking her body.
"But it's the truth, isn't it?" Blaine snickered. Khloe rolled her eyes at him in response.
"Oh shove off little Aphrodite spawn, I don't want to hear it from you." Blaine's expression became horrified as he let Khloe's insult sink in.
"Don't-" Blaine barely even started before he was cut off by the door opening and a tall boy striding in. The babbling of the students stopped, their eyes all on the new boy of White Rock High.
"You must be Nolan Axton, am I correct?" Mrs. Bancroft stood to welcome the new student. Nolan grinned brilliantly, his white teeth gleaming.
He really is a looker, Adira thought absentmindedly. His dark brown hair had a slight curl to it, the strands thick and glossy. He stood tall at 6'3" and looked as if he still had a couple of inches to grow. He seemed at ease in his own body and with his chiseled jaw and smoldering light brown eyes paired with his athletic build, it was no wonder that Khloe was gushing about him so much.
"I told you," Khloe whispered in triumph.
"I never said I didn't believe you," Adira whispered back.
"Would you like to introduce yourself, Nolan?"
"Of course." He smiled widely, and the sight made all of the girls in the room already captured by his charm.
He hasn't even spoken more than two words and already he has the entire female population of White Rock High eating out of his hand. What a frightening boy indeed, Adira couldn't help but muse to herself. Even though she would admit that he was a handsome young man, she did not have the urge to swoon over him like the rest of them. Adira glanced sideways to Khloe, to see her eyes misting with a dreamy look. Adira closed her eyes and sighed, shaking her head and resting her chin on her hand.
"Alright Casanova, let's see what surprises you hold in store," Adira murmured. As the room was quiet, Nolan was able to catch the quiet whisper. Just barely.
So when he directed his eyes to Adira, he was in for a shock of his life.

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