Chapter Seven - Running Away When Your Family Knows

Start from the beginning

"I want Mummy and Daddy back. I want them back," I sob quietly.

"It'll be okay, Miss Charlotte," Sebastian's oddly cool, calming voice breaks my thoughts. He is the one who rescued us. Saved us from Hell on Earth. And he stayed. Willingly stayed. Sebastian, the demon.

"Yes, Sir..." I mumble, burying my head into my knees.


And now, here we are. Standing in front of dead people. Not like I've never done that before, but.. Still, they should be dead.

"What is your name, young miss?" Joker asks, grinning.

"Charlotte," I reply, and I, dare say it... "Charlotte Phantomhive."

People nod approvingly. I realize the original first stringers do recognize me, from the looks their giving me. Even Joker. But he's playing dumb. The dumb little puppet...

"And you, sir?" Joker looks up at Sebastian.

"Sebastian Michaelis," the demon replies coolly.

"Good, good!" Joker claps his hands together. "Is there anything you are good at? Anything at all?"

I think for a second, before grinning. "A box."

Joker looks at me, confused. "What?"

I rub my hands together. "A box! Get me a box!"

Within seconds, a metal box with chains and padlocks stands before me, waiting. The top is lifted off.

"Now, I'm going to hop inside, and you are going to close it, and lock, as best you can. Watch and learn, my friends," With a flourish, I jump into the tall contraption. This is only one of my specialties.

There is a bang, signalling the box has been locked. The darkness welcomes me, but I'm afraid I have to deny. I take a deep breath, holding out my arms. With a collected sigh, I punch the bottom of the metal, breaking it, but silently.

Are you okay, Miss Charlotte?

I'm perfectly fine, Sebby, thanks.

At top speed I dig a hole, and magically repair the box, before appearing in the shadows of the tents. I didn't have to break the box, that was a more manual way of doing it. One of my demon abilities, unique to me, was my ability to "Shadow Jaunt". I can teleport in shadows, basically.

Laughing, I step out, facing Joker. "Well? What do you think?"

"Wonderful! What else can you do?" Joker asks, eyeing me.

"I can... Disappear," I say, a grin playing with my face.

"Oh? Do tell," Joker urges.

"Give me a straight jacket, a curtain, and a time limit," I cross my arms.

Joker nods, excited. He rushes me to the main tent, Dagger, Doll, and Sebastian behind us, along with a whole group of people who want my act. Wonderful. More minds to blow.

As Dagger helps me with the straight jacket, Joker explains. "We will give you a minute and a half, with this changing curtain positioned in the middle," Joker motions to the metal hoop with a black, sparkly curtain hanging off it.

I nod. The straight jacket is tight, but then again, it's supposed to be. "I need an assistant. Sebastian, do you mind?"

"Not at all, Miss Charlotte," Sebastian says as I walk to the hoop.

"When the curtain is raised, start the timer, and I will be out before it is done," I say, grinning. Joker nods, and Sebastian raises the curtain. I hear a click. The time as started.

With as little movement as possible, I forcibly dislocate some bones, and slide the jacket off like a shirt, before Shadow Jaunting to an area behind the group of people. The timer goes off as I finish relocating my bones.

The curtain falls to the ground, revealing the jacket in the middle, and gasps litter the crowd. I walk out, clapping. "Wonderful, I must say. I can do everything else, too, but those are my specialities. Disappearing and escaping acts."

Everyone turns and Joker rushes up to me, inspecting my body for harm, and a wild grin still on his face. "Would of be to much to offer a first string position to 'ee?"

I grin. "Not at all. I do need Sebastian as my assistant, though, so he must have a position as well."

Joker nods, and turns to the demon, who as watched all this with a blank face. "What can 'ee do, sir?"

"Everything," Sebastian gives a devilish grin and jumps up to the tightrope. He then proceeds to do everything, except my acts, before being stopped by Joker.

"I think they get it, Michaelis," I groan, sitting back against a box.

Once everything was decided, Joker brings us off to the side to chose our names.

"Why are 'ee here?" Joker growls. "'Ee two should be dead."

"So should you," I counter. "All of you. Are you still using little kids to make your prosthesis?"

"No," Joker snaps. "We use plastics."

"Wonderful substitute!" I exclaim, clapping my hands together.

Joker shakes his head. "The only reason we are making 'ee a first string is because it would be for the betterment of the circus. We are using 'ees old names."

"Great. I liked mine. It was way better than Smile," I hold backs laugh.

"Lets go," Joker walks off.

We are announced as Shadow and Black, and are shown around. We are given our tents, or tent, as there is only one extra. I claim the bed, setting my things down, before Sebastian and I go to the
main tent to practice. This will be fun.

"Miss Charlotte, who is that?" Sebastian points to two, no, three figures in main entrance, waving me over. I gasp.

"Do pardon me, Michaelis," I say quickly before running over there.

I glare at the people in front of me. "What do you want, Kyoya-senpai?"

My Demons {An OHSHC and Black Butler Crossover}Where stories live. Discover now