Fresh Start

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The day finally came for Ally to head off to university. Ally could feel the anxiety bubble underneath her skin, but she couldn't let that stop her. She needed to do this for her sake and because she knew that this is how Connor would have wanted it to be.

Ally walked through the gates of the castle like university, looking around at the people. She could tell that they were new too, one girl stood up on a box and shouted to everyone to head to their first classes. Ally looked down at the small bit of paper in her hand to read 'C12' was her first class.

She concentrated hard on the signs above the doors of classrooms find her own. Maybe she was concentrating bit too much because before she knew it she had bumped into someone and fallen over.

"Ouch. Sorry! I was looking where I was going, let me help you up" a males voice said in panic.
She looked up to see a tall dark haired boy with black glasses that surrounded his beautiful sea blue eyes.
"Oh it's quite alright...I wasn't watching where I was going either" she admitted nervously grabbing the boys hand that he had extended out to her. The boy pulled her up, Ally brushed off the dirt from her jeans and looked up at him.

"Well I have to go to class but it was nice bumping into ya" He shouted back to her as he ran off to his class.

"Bye" she quietly whispered to herself as the cutest boy she ever seen ran off.

Ally finally found her class, there were only a few seats when she finally made it there. She chose to sit near a long raven haired girl with thin framed gold glasses. The girl looked up at Ally and look a bit shocked.

"Oh sorry is this seat taken? I can move" Ally said flustered.

"No,no I'm just a bit shocked you sat next to me" The raven hair girl replied.

"Why not? You look like a nice person" Ally smiled.

"Aha, thanks. My name is Ellie" She smiled back at Ally.

"Ally. Nice to meet you" Ally said still smiling.

"Okay class let's get started! Everyone quite!" The teacher shouted

Blue eyes// Asa Butterfield FanficWhere stories live. Discover now