Chapter 25: Game On

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Chapter 25

"So you and Hannah James, huh?" Reggie laughed, sitting up slightly.

I winced, taking a sip of my water bottle.

"Shouldn't we get going to the game by now?" I asked, glancing over at the clock.

"Nah we've got plenty of time. I want to hear how this went down." Garret gave me a look.

"Okay listen the three of you have to keep this confidential..." I said seriously, leaning forwards. "Like nobody knows. Not even the girls. Not any of the other guys on the team. Not Elizabeth. Not anybody."

"Yeah, what's going on?" Kurt said, the only one to ever take me seriously.

"Don't tell me you knocked someone up." Reggie whispered.

"The girl yesterday was..." I trailed off, knowing that I should just tell them.

But something stopped me.

"Look, it wasn't Hannah James. It was just some random junior who didn't want everyone knowing she's easy." The lie easily rolled off my tongue. "It's no big deal, but I just don't want people thinking I screwed Hannah."

"Okay yeah we're chill." Kurt nodded. "Now let's actually get to this game I don't want Elizabeth getting there before me."

"Oh, speaking of which I have to drive her. Her car won't start." I sighed, glancing down at my phone.

"But we always drive together." Reggie said in shock.

"We still can, we'll just take a detour to her house." I shrugged, walking outside. "Let's go, we'll take my truck."

The guys grumbled but did what I said anyways. They knew better than to argue with me on game day.

"Kurt in the back." Reggie said, shoving the smaller guy's shoulder as he walked past.

Kurt sighed, climbing up into the back of the truck.

"Don't kill me before tonight. I don't want Elizabeth getting any playing time." Kurt said harshly, giving me a look.

Garret shrugged, climbing up into the back of the truck with him. "Reggie ate Mexican for lunch. I'm not getting stuck in there with him."

Reggie grinned proudly as he climbed up into the passenger seat.

"Fuck." I whispered, glaring at Reggie as I started the engine.

The guys were pretty much silent as I drove to Elizabeth's house. I didn't bother texting her I just honked when I pulled into her driveway, not even caring if I made her parents mad.

I wasn't the guy dating her daughter right now, I was the team captain driving her to a game.

Totally different rules.

Elizabeth came flying out of the door, her hair pulled back in two french braids and completely off of her face.

She had her bag over her shoulder which was almost as big as her and a popsicle in the other hand.

"Wait!" Her brother groaned, flying out of the door too. "You're too fast!"

"Hey!" Elizabeth grinned, tossing her back into the back of the truck. "Tommy's coming too, sorry."

"No worries." I grinned, giving her a wink and hoping the guys didn't see.

"Gag me." Tommy groaned.


"I'm in the back?" Elizabeth guessed as she climbed up, using the wheel for leverage.

"Sorry, Reggie's got top priority up here." I laughed.

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