Chapter 5: The Cold Shoulder

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Chapter 5

Elizabeth was leaning against the counter, resting on her elbows and her entire weight on her right leg. Her hip was popped, only accentuating the curve of her ass.

Especially in those leggings, it was enough to make any man weak.

She was tapping out a rhythm with her pencil while she read over an email on her laptop, nodding her head along to the beat.

Her hair was pulled back in a bun today, off of her face.

She even had freckles on her ears.

I wonder if she'd ever tried counting them.

How many would there be?

A hundred? A thousand? More?

I quickly pulled myself away from thinking about her, directing my attention back towards the playbook in my hands.

We didn't have anything to do in the office today so we were both working on our own homework.

We hadn't said anything to each other yet and I was doing my best to stay silent, not wanting to make her think I was any creepier than I already am.

"Hey QB." Someone said at the door.

I glanced up to see Jessa, a cheerleader who I frequently hung out with on weekends.

She was always frisky after games, the perfect way to let out some leftover energy.

"Sup J." I laughed, giving her a smile. "What are you doing down here?"

"Avoiding a math quiz." She shrugged. "How's my favorite quarterback on this fine Tuesday?"

"Feeling great, feeling great." I winked.

"Call me later." Jessa returned my wink before leaving the office.

Elizabeth let out a scoff but didn't say anything. She just shook her head, typing something on her phone.

I watched as she stretched out her left leg, wincing slightly.

"Your leg okay?" I asked curiously.

"No thanks to you." She snapped. "What kind of jackass scares someone half to death while they're running?"

I frowned but didn't say anything else.

I went back to reviewing my plays, making sure I remembered them all.

"McKinley." Coach Turner's voice broke me out of my trance as he appeared in the doorway.

The voice had so much authority in it that even Elizabeth looked up in shock, her eyes widening slightly before they registered on Coach.

"Hey." I smiled. "I'm reviewing them like I'm supposed to be."

"Yeah, that's good. Just checking up on you. How's the arm feeling?"

"Good as new." I reassured him with yet another smile.

"Excellent. Conditioning at practice today. No pads. Get the word out to the guys."

"Yes sir."

"Excuse me, are you Coach Justin Turner?" Elizabeth suddenly spoke up.

I glanced up at her, shocked to see that she seemed a little bit starstruck.

"Yes ma'am. And you are?"

"Elizabeth Von Batton." She smiled. "Nice to meet you."

"And you. That name sounds familiar..."

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