Chapter 13: Those Bumper Stickers

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Chapter 13

"I literally have a game tonight, you don't have to be so hard on me today." I said harshly to my dad, slightly out of breath from how fast I was running.

Okay slightly was an understatement.

I was panting.

"I'm just telling you to push it a little harder. You'll recover by seven, suck it up." My dad shook his head, reaching to up the speed on the treadmill. "I told you that you were slacking with that Von Batton girl."

"Leave her out of it." I growled, gritting my teeth to up the intensity.

She hadn't even looked at me since Monday.

We were back to the silent treatment.

And I wasn't doing anything to remedy it.

I'd fucked up.

And that was my problem.

Five minutes later, my dad caved and let me step off of the treadmill.

I gulped down water, breathing heavily to try and replenish my oxygen.

"Let's get home. You've gotta shower before school, you're a mess." My dad said, taking a sip of his own water bottle.

"I wonder why." I muttered, grabbing the keys to my truck as I walked towards the door of the gym.

But as we got into the truck, I noticed a small little silver car parked a few spots over, the bumper stickers a painful reminder of the girl I'd somehow managed to lose without even having.

"Let's go, kid." My dad cut my thoughts off as he got into the truck.

I sighed, stepping up as well.

But hey, I guess Elizabeth was right, all I am is a stuck up football player who thinks football matters over everything else.

With one last glance at her car, I pulled out of the spot and started driving home.

Dad was talking my ear off about various plays for tonight, but my head was on another planet.

Maybe they all had a point, Elizabeth was messing with my brain.

But I just couldn't get that damn girl out of my mind.

First hour was hell, as always.

Elizabeth stayed silent in the copy room, focused intently on the book that she was reading.

She didn't even look at me.

Not even a glance out of the corner of her eye.

Not even a subtle look as she fixed her hair or something.

I wasn't even in her world right now.

But that didn't mean she wasn't in mine.

She was wearing those maroon leggings again, leaning against the counter in a way that just made her ass look so pleasing.

I'd give anything in the world right now to run my hand over her smooth curves... To feel her hair in my hands... Her lips...

What the hell was I doing?

I didn't have feelings for her like this.

No fucking way.

She was just... Elizabeth.

Just a friend, right?

"Hey QB." Jessa grinned, leaning against the doorway.

"Hey Jessa." I sighed, pulling my eyes away from Elizabeth.

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