I let the brochure fall onto the bed and drop my head into my hands in frustration.

Now if only I could figure out where I'm going to go to get what's best for me.

The bedroom door opens slightly and I look up to see Faith coming through with a smile on her face. She makes her way to the bed wearing her usual nightwear, her naked skin.

"How's it going, any breakthroughs yet?"

All I can do is shake my head and sigh as she sits down next to me on the bed.


Her smile becomes a sympathetic look.

"Well, maybe you should pack it in for the night. You've still got a couple of months to decide. No reason to force a decision yet."

My girlfriend holds out one of the two glasses she has in her hands.

"Here... have some of that water you asked for."

Taking the glass from Faith, I put it to my lips and taste the incredible refreshment inside.

Mmm, this is exactly what I needed right now.

After a few sips I look at Faith and smile.


I take a deep breath and nod my head at the same time.

"Much... you always know exactly how to make me feel good."

The woman I love gets this mischievous grin on her face that I always find so sexy.

"You better believe it."

She leans into me slowly and we kiss passionately. It's slow and soft and I love every moment of it. We finally break apart after a while and I just know I have a grin on my face now.

"I think you're right... the world isn't going to end if I put off choosing a college for a week or two."

Faith takes my cup from me sets both glasses down on her nightstand so they're out of the way.

"It better not, because otherwise I'd have to go stop it."

We smile at each other as I wrap my arms around her neck and she snakes her arms out around my waist between my t-shirt and panties.

"Well if it happens, we can let Buffy handle it. Tonight I want you all to myself."

She chuckles as I pull her forward and lean back at the same time, pulling her onto the bed with me.

"Now there's a plan."

It isn't long before I'm lying on my back and Faith is climbing on top of me, brushing my college applications to the floor.

That's probably the only plan I'll be having for the near future.

* * *

The alarm clock blares in my ears and I squeeze my eyes shut because it woke me up.

No... I don't wanna wake up.

I roll into the warm body beside me and wrap my arms around her waist, getting as much body contact as I can while lying next to her. She stirs in my arms and I know she's awake now too. Hitting the alarm's snooze button, she shifts towards me.

"Dawn... you awake yet?"

My eyes stay closed and I don't move.


She chuckles and I feel her hand gently brush the hair out of my face.

"So I guess that means you're talking in your sleep now?"


This time there's a little more of a laugh from her and I can't help but smile myself.

"Come on Dawnie, we gotta get up."

Faith tries to move away to get up but I tighten my grip on her waist, keeping our bodies pressed together so she can't get away.

"I don't wanna."

My slayer girlfriend puts her hand under my chin and brings my head up so that we'd be looking into each other's eyes if I didn't have mine closed. She kisses me sweetly on the lips and I open my eyes as the kiss ends. The look in her eyes is happy and loving.

"I know Dawn, I don't really want to either. But you've got school and I've gotta get to work."

Hearing her say that makes me groan in frustration.

"How about we don't and say we did?"

I lean into Faith a little more, letting my thigh rub against hers seductively.

"We could just stay in bed all day and... have breakfast."

She rubs up against me appreciatively, that feral look I love so much on her face. We share another kiss, this one long and drawn out but no less filled with passion. A low growl deep in her throat escapes her lips when the kiss finally ends.

"As much as I know, we would both love to do that... you know we can't."

Why did she have to say that last part? I don't like that last part one bit.

Faith reaches up and caresses my cheek lovingly. Then with one final short kiss, she puts some distance between us on the bed and gets up.

She is right though. We have to get up and actually do things.

I roll over and sit up on the edge of the bed, stretching a little before I stand. Combing my hands through my hair to straighten it out as much as I can, I look over the floor to find my clothes.

"So do you wanna take the first shower or should I?"

Our eyes meet as I turn around at her question to see her tying her robe around her waist. It isn't tied tightly though so it shows off the valley between her breasts and a good portion of her stomach. The sight of her puts a smile on my face and I just know I'm not gonna give up on this.

"Why bother choosing? We could save water by washing each other."

She grins as she makes her way over to me. On her way, she picks up my t-shirt and holds it out to me when I get in range.

"Nice try ya little vixen, but that's how we ended up taking the day off last time. And if I remember right, we didn't exactly save much water that day."

I grin at her while I respond.

"I know... that's why I suggested it."

My sexy as hell girlfriend throws my shirt in my face, blinding me for the split second it takes me to get it off. She grabs me by the shoulders and turns me towards the door, smacking me playfully on the butt to get me to move.

"You go first sweet cheeks. I'll make us something to eat while you're busy."

I start making my way out of the bedroom and towards the shower, scoffing at her happily as I go.

"When did you become the queen of responsibility?"

Faith yells out from the bedroom at me.

"Right about the time I fell head over heels for a delinquent like you. Now get in the shower so we can have breakfast."

For some reason I just have to skip the last step into the bathroom.

I don't think I could feel happier if I tried.

I don't think I could feel happier if I tried

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Just a College Girl (girlxgirl) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now