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It is now 2 months till the wedding. I did not realize how unprepared I was till I noticed that I did not even have a dress.

"Okay so I really love this one" I found the perfect dress

"it looks amazing on you Alaya.....I still can not believe that you are getting married"

"Me either if we are being honest" 

We both shared our laughs and went to pay for the dress. It was actually really expensive but that is not a problem since I have been saving up for this since I could even say the word dress. 

"Hey lets walk around the mall for a little I need a new pair of shoes" Beth always needed new shoes

"I thought that you got some last week" 

"Well.........Okay I love shoes"

"I can tell"

We walked to the mall and soon I began to not feel good. 




I ran to her side before she could hit the ground. How can a person just be fine and then the next minute they are sick to death? She was not dead which is good just passed out. She fainted out of the blue

What do I do?

I called 911 and an ambulance showed up right away. They asked me all of these questions but I could not answer a lot of the medical ones. I just hope she is alright.

The Boys Next Door// Part 2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum