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I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon. Corbyn woke up next and saw me. He grabbed me but I got out of his grasp and ran out of the room. The boys were in the kitchen cooking. Well I let them cook for one day and this is what happens

"Well look what we have here" 

"Oh well it was supposed to be a surprise soooo" Jack was stilling scrambling eggs

"SURPRISE" They all screamed at once

"Wait why would it be a surprise?" 

"Happy Birthday" Corybn hugged me from behind 

How did I forget my own birthday? They finished the food and we all ate. They were telling me about everything they had planned and how each day would be for one of their gifts. It was like my birthday week. They explained who would have which day.

It sounded like a good plan to I got up and went to the living room to catch up on my show on Netflix. They said today that I can relax and have a lazy day. 

"Whatcha watchin" Corbyn jumping over the couch

"Some (whatever show you want)

"sounds cool" 

All the boys sat with me for a while but then left to go somewhere. They really did not say anything today so I just relaxed alone.

Just sitting down is actually quite tiring for some reason. I have not had a nap in a while so what better time then now. I went to the guest bedroom where it would be quieter just in case the boys decided to come back. Then I visited dream land.

The Boys Next Door// Part 2Where stories live. Discover now