"Is there anything else us newbies should know?" a new voice questions, seemingly interested by all of this.

"Well one last thing you should know is what manga is. Manga is simply the written form of anime. It's like a comic book. They are generally black and white. You can read them electronically, order them online, buy then in book form, or borrow them from a local library. Not every anime has a manga and not every manga has an anime to go with it."

The crowd nods, they seem to be getting hyped up.

This is the end of the basic explanation. (If you have any more questions about anime in general, just write them in a comment.)

"How will this book work?" a boy wearing a Naruto t-shirt asks.

"That is quite simple. Every chapter will be titled after a different anime. In that chapter, I will write the basic information about the show. For example, the genre, when it came out, how many seasons it has, etc. Then I will give a brief explanation with no spoilers. After that, I will tell you my opinions on the anime and I will rate it on a scale of 1-100. My rating is based off of my opinions, so you are allowed to disagree with me."

"And if we do disagree, are we allowed to voice it?" says a woman wearing black glasses.

"Of course! If you have already seen the anime and disagree with my opinion and/or rating, you are permitted to write how you felt about the anime in the comments. The more opinions we can get, the better it will be for fans that are considering watching the show. Just make sure that there are no spoilers! If you decide to write something that gives away the plot of he story, I will delete the comment."

"That's fair," the woman responds. "Are there any other rules we should be aware of?"

"Some basic rules are no cursing or inappropriate writings. I also don't want fighting in the comments. You are allowed to have your own opinions on a show and you are free to voice them, but do not start arguing with someone just because they have a different opinion than you. There is a fine line between conversing and fighting and you are responsible enough to know it," Anya announces, her voice stern now. "I want everyone to have fun, but don't say or do anything that will offend others. I don't think that will be an issue though."

"What animes will you be reviewing?"

Anya smiles again. "That answer is simple. Any type!"

"Cool! Can you review Fruits Basket for me?" a young girl with her hair dyed pink questions excitedly.

"Let's talk about requests. I will accept requests to review certain animes. The problem is, I cannot review an anime I haven't watched. So feel free to make your requests, but understand if I am unable to write about that anime. Maybe you can convince me to watch that show, but no promises."

"So about Fruits Basket..." she continues.

"I'm sorry, but I have not watched that anime."

"Does that mean you can't review it? Can't you just watch it now?"

"This is the sort of commentary I won't like. If you keep bugging me about an anime that I already said I couldn't review, that means to stop asking. Maybe one day I'll get around to watching it and then I can review it, but I don't want you bugging me about it or I won't review it at all."

"Okay, I'm sorry." The girl looks away guilty.

"Don't worry about it! It's easy to get excited, but don't get carried away. Cheer up, we're all fangirls and boys here," Anya encourages. The girl laughs a bit and she smiles at the audience once more.

"Which animes do you plan on reviewing first?" an excited fanboy shouts.

"I have watched a decent amount of animes so far and will try to review as many of those as I can. The animes on my list to review are currently Fairy Tail, Naruto, Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin), Sword Art Online, Yu-Gi-Oh, Madoka Mágica, Cardcator Sakura, Sailor Moon, Your Lie in April (Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso), No Game No Life, Death Note and there are so many more. It will probably be some time, as in months, before I get around to doing them all, so just keep waiting." She squeals at the mention of her favorite animes.

"Sounds good!" he replies, grinning.

Anya looks out to the whole audience. Everyone's eyes are sparkling with excitement and smiles plaster every face. Anya can't help but stand there beaming. At last she asks, "does anyone have any more questions?" She waits for any responses. "Well if you do, simply comment them."

With one last smile at the audience of readers, she spins around. Her curly hair swishes as she flips to the next chapter. "Let the anime reviews begin!"

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