7 Rumours ~ Olivia

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Resting my head against the window as the plane taxies down the runway, I can't help but smile inwardly. Two minutes after seven in the morning and, apparently, it all worked out fine. In less than three hours I'll be landing in London, just in time for Jimmy's wedding.

Shutting down the voices around me, I close my eyes, the tension of these last two days slowly fading away.

It's been crazy, nonstop. Having Filipe step on my last frayed nerve, cancelling my initial flight plans, and being part of a marathon 15-hour surgery where emotions ran high left me on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

That or of having someone murdered.

It all started last Wednesday night after my shift ended.

It was supposed to be my last day at work before a few well-deserved days off, which I had planned to spend in London. I was so excited about my flight the following day and eager to go home and pack my suitcase.

Julie kept insisting part of my excitement had certainly something to do with the prospect of seeing Brian again. I acted nonchalant about it, though. Because it would be plain nonsense to reminisce about some first love you don't see in a long time.


Total lie, dear Lord! He's been popping into my head every single day this past month.

If she knew I'd googled his name, and almost sent a friend request on Facebook at two in the frigging morning, she wouldn't have spared me. She would have mocked me mercilessly until I cried.

I was sitting in the doctors' lounge that night, waiting for Julie, using the spare time to wrap up a set of t-shirts with some funny lines I got for Sue's kids when hell broke loose.





I laughed on my own as I folded that last tiny piece of clothing and wrote Marianne's name on the carton tag, recalling Sue's look of mock frustration when the fussiest of all her children fell asleep so quickly in my arms.

That moment the door swished open and I searched for Julie.

But it's was Filipe, instead.

After a brief hesitation, he walked towards me, one hand subtly resting on my shoulder. "I thought you'd left already... Need help?"

I kept tagging the presents, not even bothering to look at him. "About to finish here. But grab a cup; just made some fresh coffee."

The strong aroma still wafted through the air.

"Mattie? That's one of the twins, isn't she?" He read on one of the gift tags before he pulled up a chair. "Isn't it a shame I never got to meet them?"

I simply ignored his question. I could only imagine what kind of antic Filipe was trying to pull, but I wasn't willing to let anyone ruin my mood.

Reaching across the table, he laid his hand over mine and looked me in the eyes. "What's going on, Olivia? What can I do to help you?"


"I've heard some rumours..."

"What rumours?" I moved to take my hand from beneath his, but he firmed his grip.

"That you plan to resign. Do you even know how many people are waiting for an opportunity to apply for a position here? Why would you do that? When you can build a brilliant career in this hospital? When you get to learn from the most challenging cases, with the best professionals in the country?"

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