Quick Introduction

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Date created: June 30, 2017

Date edited: July 22, 2017

Hello everybody! MegaBlazethecat here and welcome to my very first fanfiction of Mystic Messenger X Reader!   (⊃ 'ω')⊃♥⊂('ω' ⊂)

Woohoo!! *dances like there's no tomorrow and dabs multiple times with Seven* ヾ(=^▽^=)ノ 

Me: Okay, Seven you can go now.

Seven: Eh?! But I want to keep dabbing with you! ♪

Me: *facepalms* We'll do this some other time so can I have a moment with my readers/audience/followers? I need to make a quick introduction!

Seven: *nods sadly* Sigh, alright. Let me know when you're done, okay? Time to head back to my palace filled Honey Buddah Chips and Dr. Pepper on the side. Lolololololol

Me: Wha? Palace? Hey, S-Seven! What do you mean-Oh, he's gone


Ahem, sorry about that, haha.

Anyway, here's an imagines book and this kinda rare for me to put the word "imagines" for the title of my book rather than "boyfriend scenarios" which is what I always do, of course.

Originally, this was suppose to be a boyfriend scenarios book of all the main Mystic Messenger characters (that's right, I was planning on putting Jaehee too since there might be others would read that) but then I realized that I shouldn't because the way how every boyfriend scenario book will flow would be like this: How they met, when they realize they like each other and so on.

My reason is that the game itself, Mystic Messenger, has already shown them how they met, realize their feeling and confess their undying love, etc.

SO! I decided to do this instead! An imagines book! (^∀^)

Basically, this is like a boyfriend scenarios book and kind of like a oneshot book or maybe combined which is better! 

All the scenarios that I will write would be after what happened to you (the player/reader) and them from each of their own routes (After ending can either happen already or not depending on what I'm going to write).

The collection of the imagines can be cute, with a little bit of feels, funny, and spicy (if you know catch my drift but I'm not talking about the word or the drink lemonade, okay? I'm talking about pepper! Oooh, spicy!! Get it? lololol) 

Also! I can also write a 3P Imagine meaning you are going to have a love triangle with two or maybe more characters in one imagine story. I've already done something like this before with my previous one-shot fanfiction stories in the past when I was still busy writing in DeviantArt so if you guys are interested, let me know in the comments!

Then...Oh yeah! Requests!! ^ㅅ^

Requests are officially opened to all of you guys!! 

I can take your requests any day so if you have an idea of what I'll write for you guys then please let me know in the comments section down below! 

Also, you can add certain situations with your requests too like Seven and you going to a movie together but suddenly something comes up along the way <---- that sort of thing ヽ('ー`)

It can be either be Zen X Reader, Jumin X Reader, Seven X Reader, or maybe a Jumin X Reader X Zen! 

So yeah, it's possible for me to accept 3P Imagines from you guys so let me know if you want me to write a 3P Imagine of one of the Mystic Messenger characters just for you~ *wink* *wink*

I'll be looking forward to those requests and I'll be sure to write them depending on my schedule.

*checks watch*

Oh I guess, this ends my introduction.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this book! 

Like I said earlier, this is my first time writing a Mystic Messenger X Reader fanfiction so I hope I will keep everyone in character as much as possible plus I will look out for errors whatsoever.

Thank you for your time and enjoy reading through!! ヽ(・∀・)ノ


Oh! Wait, before anything else, you can request anything to me right away here in the Quick Introduction comment section.

I'll appreciate it once you let me know what you guys want me to write very early so be sure to comment down below and maybe I might consider writing it!

That's all, thanks!! ♪

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