Chapter 3: The Institution

Start from the beginning

The corridor off of floor six was silent. I held my bag tight to my chest, the lights radiating above my head. Turning out of the hall, the scene was everything other than silent. Machines buzzed, quiet murmurs poured out of the Mutts, knives sliced through tape, the building of our products set right in front of my eyes.

My heart tightened, my breathing calming only slightly as the Watcher arrived at my side. "Good afternoon, Miss Ireland. You may enter the floor, feel free to continue with your research," he nodded before turning his back to return to his station.

I stepped forwards, unknowing of where to turn first. Watchers lined the perimeter, bats in hands as they surveyed the working Mutts. There were dozens, all of them seeming to be in their early adult years. Mutts were sentenced to different tasks throughout their lives at the Institution, depending on the needed amount of workers for each job at hand.

My hands clasped together, the skin on my arms shivering. I walked across the floor, my eyes circling around at the Mutts. Some of them took no notice of my existence, others slightly glancing up at my presence, my clothing unmistakably Idol-wear.

I returned to the wall, scanning the Mutts for an approachable being. My eyes caught a boy, his blonde hair shielding his eyes. He must have been no older than myself, his hands busy assembling a jewelry box. I gazed at the Watchers scattering the room, none of their eyes seeming to be on me. My feet carried me to the edge of the floor to where the boy kneeled on the ground, an assortment of pieces lying by his feet.

"Hello," my voice was still again as I stood above him. He remained looking down, his lessons obviously having been learnt before. Receiving no answer I bent down, "My name is Ireland. Do you have a name?" The Mutt remained silent, fixated on the wrench in his hand. His eyes flicked along the ground, as if searching for a tool. I positioned myself on my knees just as he was, picking up a bolt from the tile floor. I held it out to him, his body freezing for a moment before he slowly took the piece from my hand.

"It is remarkable what you can build," I continued, my eyes resting on the side of his face. He continued fumbling with the pieces. His silence weakened my spirit, pushing me further  into hopelessness for equality. "What district are you from?" I pressed on, determined to hear even one word from the boy. I wanted to hear the voice of an Institution Mutt.

A bell rang out above me, causing my eyes to lift towards the ceiling. The Mutts rose to their feet, leaving me on the tile floor. The boy stood above me as he shoved his hands into his pockets. I rose slowly, watching in awe as the Mutts dispersed. I brushed past the last Watcher on the floor, "How come they do not speak?"

"They have nothing to say," the Watcher nodded his head at me before he departed as well. I stood still in the silent room, half-done products scattered across the floor.

The lobby was empty as well as I stepped out into it. The Communicator at the desk looked up at me only briefly, her eyes cold. "Have a good day, Miss," the words came out in mumbles from her thin mouth. I dropped my visitor badge onto the desk, "I will be seeing you tomorrow. My research is incomplete."

I turned away from her, disapproving of her attitude. Her job must have been so difficult. Watching Idols enter into the building while Mutts did our brutal tasks and whittled away in their own filth. She had a nerve to hate her career. Of course, my thoughts would not shine through. Disrespect was greatly frowned upon, well, to other Idols.

A breeze still whisked through District A, the setting sun barely enough to keep my skin warm. I walked slowly down the concrete path back to the gate. I stopped at the exit, turning to face the tall building. Barred windows lined the outer walls, many of them dark. A few were lit, the slight activity obvious in the tiny rooms.

My eyes scanned the windows of each room, barely seeing any faces at all. The third floor had only one window with a light on, a Mutt hovering behind the bars. The boy. He turned his gaze away, almost as if he hadn't meant to be caught watching. So he had noticed my presence. A small smile curved onto my lips as I turned back around and exited though the Institution's gates.

All I needed was insight. I needed to understand the minds of the Mutts, the real thought processes inside their minds, not the ones the higher Idols shoved down our throats. Mutts like that boy, the ones too afraid to speak or even glance an inch off the floor were the ones I needed to study.

The capability of their minds was something unknown to the Idols. All of these years since the New World began we have simply assumed the multi-souls were the inferior. Maybe that wasn't the case, maybe there was more intelligence lurking within their brains that we had been missing all of these years. They could be the brilliant ones, they could be the ones with their heads screwed on straight, they could be the ones to make our world right.

They could be saved.



Chapter 3! Hope it's going well if you are reading.. Please continue! :) Comment? Fan? Something, anything, love you guys for reading :D

~ Meah

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