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"This is Davey Jones outside the manger about to get the first glimpse of baby Jesus Evans."

I awoke to the sound of 3 teenage boys giggling outside the bedroom door before barging through. Realising what they were about to do, I jumped out from beneath the duvet seconds before they crashed onto an oblivious sleeping Tristan.

"IT'S CHRISTMAAAAS!" Con screamed in his ear.

Tris shot up, his hair hanging scruffily over his blue eyes.

Brad pointed the camera, which Con had been talking into, over to me. I hastily covered my face with my hands because of the lack of make up and nest-like hair.

"Aye, here we have the Virgin Daisy looking beautiful as ever." Twanged the Scottish voice, his finger pointing over to me. Cackles erupted from Brad and James as they gave each other the 'look'.

"Judging by the noises coming from this room last night, I think it's safe to say Daisy's not a virgin." Piped up James in the background.

I felt my cheeks blush with embarrassment, giving the boys their cue to leave. Tristan sighed heavily before rolling back over to sleep. I grabbed some clothes and turned on the shower. Once showered and dressed, the child in me decided that I couldn't wait any longer and Tris was awoken with cheesy Christmas tunes blasting from speakers around the room. His annoyed expression soon changed as his eyes found my novelty reindeer Christmas jumper. I loved the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed.

"Christmas day is a girl's best excuse to wear the most revealing dress and you choose to wear a novelty knitted  jumper?",he smiled before lifting me up and twirling me around the room,"Merry Christmas Daisy May" he spoke softly in my ear before putting me down.

"Merry Christmas Tristan Oliver Vance Evans," I giggled, placing a kiss on his lips. "I'll race you!"

Before he could stop me, I was out the door and near the staircase. "It's on!" I heard him shout behind me. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me down the stairs but his loud footsteps where not far behind. Two large hands grabbed my waist as I reached the living room door, stopping me in my tracks.

"I think we should go outside first, just you and me..." he said quietly. I nodded, letting go of the handle. He took my hand and led me into the garden.

"Wait here." He pointed towards the bench. I sat down, crossing my arms trying to keep warm as the December wind pricked my skin. He ran round the corner out of sight.

Five minutes had passed and Tris still hadn't come back. Maybeit'sajoke? Perhapseveryoneelseisinsidewatchingme? The sound of bells pulled me out of my thoughts. A chocolate Labrador puppy was bounding its way towards me, a large red ribbon was tied round her neck into a bow. I reached down and picked her. She licked my face as I undone the bow carefully. A small silver bracelet was attached to the ribbon. It was perfect. A 'D' and a 'T' charm hung off the bracelet with a Daisy chain linking the two letters together. I wiped a tear away from my eye as a gentle hand rubbed my back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2014 ⏰

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