Everything I Knew

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Tris, Brad and Con came running over to us and I congratulated them on their win with high fives. Tris and I had to be careful because we had decided to not announce our relationship yet. The whole situation with Jaimee had persuaded us to wait until everything had settled.

I looked to my side at Aimee whose eyes were fixated on James with a few fans at the sidelines. They looked as if they were in deep conversation but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. The girl with the beanie said something to James about Aimee which made the boys gasp. James stood still on the spot but was looking at his feet nervously. I went to wrap my arm around Aimee but the space was now unoccupied and the doors behind me slammed shut. Tris gave me the look to go after her but I knew she wouldn't listen to me.

"Con, do you mind checking on Aimee? I don't think she will listen to me as much as she will you as you know James more." I asked desperately.

"Yeah, sure, Dais, I get it. If Joe asks, tell him I'll be back in 5." He replied taking a gulp of Lucozade before running through the double doors.

Brad and Tris were being called over by Dean for photos and so they left me wondering why James hadn't backed up Aimee or confronted them there and then.

"Hey, are you Daisy May?" Said a quiet voice next to me.

"Yeah I am!" I replied in a similar tone.

"Great, I'm Ebony Day, one of James' closest friends from Dorset. He told me you were coming down today so I thought I'd say hi!" She said bouncily, her green eyes lighting up as she spoke.

Before I could reply and properly introduce myself I was interrupted by James who had obviously realised that his girlfriend was missing. He threw his massive arms around our petite shoulders.

"So Ebony Day's met Daisy May - oh, that rhymes. You alright girls?" He said cheerfully, looking relaxed and carefree. "Where's Aimee?"

I glared at him, "I love you, James, but sometimes you can be such a dickhead."

They both looked at me confused.

"We all saw you and those girls, what they said and how you still stood there with them. She ran off the pitch, but Con's gone to get her, so she's in safe hands," I explained.

"Oh, that's me being called, I'll catch you later." Piped up Ebony as she left for her next match.

James mumbled something that I couldn't quite make out and then ran off towards the direction of the canteen.

The changing room doors opened, and out walked a broken Aimee. She looked beautiful as always but she walked as if part of her was missing. We walked towards Joe who then ushered us to the players lounge where we sat until their matches had finished.

The boys minus James came in and changed back into the clothes they had arrived in. Tris kissed me on the cheek and took me over to one side away from the others.

"Where's James got to now?" I asked.

"All I know is that in ten minutes we were meant to be performing but our slot has now been shortened and we are now the closing act. James was in deep conversation with Joe last time I saw him. I think the changing of our performance has something to do with James though, how's Aimee?" he spoke softly.

"Okay. She's obviously really upset and they haven't spoken to each other since but she has seemed to have calmed down from earlier..."

"Can The Vamps please gather backstage for their performance, that's The Vamps backstage please!" shouted a woman who was poking her head round the door.

I wished him luck as he adjusted his hair, grabbed his drumsticks and followed the boys.

Aimee, Joe, Dean and I made our way to the performance lounge where fans and other musical artists were gathered.

Aimee's POV

I stood with Daisy, Joe and Dean awkwardly next to the stage. I hid behind my long hair so that I wasn't recognised by fans and could actually enjoy the show. As acts played and it got closer to The Vamps' performance, the overwhelming feeling of butterflies in my stomach grew. The lights went down and a singer climbed the stairs with his guitar. Screams filled the marquee the moment that the lights revealed him sitting there on his own. His eyes bloodshot. His hair knotted. He coughed nervously whilst he adjusted the microphone stand.

"I'd like to dedicate this song to Aimee. You take my breath away"

Daisy Chains ~ Tristan Evans (The Vamps)Where stories live. Discover now