Safe And Sound

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*One Month Later*

We were all round at Brad's house, where he had forced us to watch his favourite film, 21 Jump Street. Considering the size of their house, they had very little in the way of chairs and sofas, so Brad and Connor were sitting on one sofa, Aimee and James were sharing an arm chair and Tris and I were left to sit on the floor. Since we met the guys last month, we had spent most of the summer with them, and as far as I could tell, Aimee and James were together. Tristan and I had gone on a few dates with each other, and he had bought me some lovely gifts, but he hadn't actually said anything about 'us' yet. The lights were dimmed and I suddenly heard Aimee giggling cheekily and whispers from James. 

"Okay, Jaimee was cute before, but now it's turning into PDAs it's just gross. Seriously, there are kids in the room, guys." Brad paused the film before complaining at them. Connor laughed then stopped, and I assume from the slapping sound hit Brad. 

"I am NOT a child, Bradley William Simpson. You're way more childish than me!" The film was started again and, as much as I... regretted missing the film, I fell asleep on Tris' shoulder. Some amount of time later, he nudged me in the ribs and I opened my eyes. The credits were rolling and Brad may have been applauding slightly. He was a weird one, that's for sure, but we did all have a laugh together. 

"What does everyone want from the kitchen?" Brad got up and Tristan followed him, both taking in what each person wanted: James and Aimee - hot chocolate, Con - tea, me - coffee. 

"Aye, it's Davey Jones here, and I've just eaten some cold beans. Bean is a funny word. It makes me laugh." Connor said in his Scottish accent. He elaborated on his thought process and those of us left in the room fell about laughing. 

"Back in a second." I said after getting my breath back. I was walking past the kitchen when I heard my name said by Tristan. 

"I really, really like Daisy, and I want to ask her out, but I don't know how to, and I don't want anyone to upset her." I smiled to myself and wanted to run into the room and hug him and tell him I felt the same way, but then realised that he would know I had been accidentally eavesdropping.

"Just say it, Tris. The whole fricking world ships Traisy, so make it happen!" I heard the begin to leave the kitchen so hid quickly, then followed a few moments later. They were giving each person the drink they had asked for and Tris kissed me on the cheek as we sat back down. 

"Um, Dais, I have something I want to ask you." He whispered in my ear. I looked at him and noticed the anxiety and nervousness in his eyes. 

"Okay." I smiled reassuringly, hoping he was going to ask what I had wanted him to for ages. 

"How would you feel... I mean, say no if you want to, but would you... Will you be my girlfriend?" He stuttered over his words and I kissed him gently. 

"Of course I will, Tris." He visibly relaxed and kissed me again. 

"Oh God, not two PDA couples... This wilbe fun." Brad and Connor complained in unison, causing us all to laugh. 

Daisy Chains ~ Tristan Evans (The Vamps)Where stories live. Discover now