1. Givingup yet trying

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I miss him, I miss him everyday
But for the sake of his happiness I'll stay away.

His thoughts are on my mind through out the day.
Tears try to fall but I look away.

I wish the pain from my heart would fly away.
And my mind would stop showing me the good times' replay.

I wonder if there is someone who would stay,
And understand the thoughts I am not able to convey.

I hope I will be okay
and Looking at him wouldn't make me feel anything someday.

How come we love a person in every possible way
but they leave us straightaway.

As if our heart was to play
or they enjoy us, begging them to stay.

Maybe all they confessed was a display.
Even if we offered them all we had to give away.

I hope he achieves for what he walked away
and karma doesn't make him pay.

Not today, not for another year maybe but I will turn away.
And he will look for someone like me till he decays.


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