Chapter 19- It's Time to Duel

Start from the beginning

It was suddenly down to the final eight. Three Gryffindor, three Slytherin, one Hufflepuff, and one Ravenclaw. Tom had been so busy focusing on the fact that Lyra and Frankie would soon be fighting, he didn't realize his next match was set against her other best friend. After a second call, he snapped out of his reverie and faced her. Tom still didn't quite know what to make of Daphne. Frankie told him useless bits of girlish fluff about her personality, however, his one lone encounter with her told a different story. Of course it made a little more sense now, why she was wondering about Frankie's parents. She was confirming her identity. He suspected Daphne as one of the ones who knew the secrets and, unlike the others, she wasn't waiting for an opportunity to let it slip out. She actually took the adult's advice and protected the truth wholeheartedly, even though the effect was damaging. She seemed to be a very guarded person; much like him. It was no wonder she'd made quick friends with Frankie. With Tom's mind still a little bit somewhere else, it took him a little longer to beat her. She'd hit him with a Tickling jinx, and he quickly was forced to focus all his energy into not bursting out laughing like a madman. She followed it with a Full Body-Bind, however, unlike Lyra it hadn't been as effective or lasting. He recovered and managed to hit her with the Knockback jinx before she could think of something else. Luckily for him, her wand had flown out of her hand, and she was counted out.

Monty had lost his battle against Jacob Marron, quickly leaving Frankie the only Gryffindor left. She eyed Lyra as they waited for Prue and Lestrange to finish. Frankie didn't quite hate Lyra, despite the fact she clearly hated her. More than anything she just wanted to understand what was going on inside her head most of the times. Why did they have to be enemies? Lyra didn't look at her the same way she'd been looking at Quin. In fact, she didn't acknowledge Frankie's presence at all, as if suddenly the fight didn't matter as much. The two moved up onto the platform after Prue's victory and finally locked eyes. Professor Merrythought flashed the signal to start.

"Incendio!" Lyra shouted, instantly. She'd clearly planned this attack for many months. Flames burst from Lyra's wand tip as she swept them like a fiery ribbon towards Frankie. She fell over in an attempt to dodge the blaze Lyra whipped at her, as she walked closer. She desperately tried to think of a spell, but all her mind seemed to want to focus on was the bright orange inching closer and closer.

"What's the matter? Bringing up too many bad memories, little orphan?" Lyra sneered, at the horrified girl on the ground. "They died in a fire, didn't they...?"

"Miss Black—that spell is grounds for disqualification. Please cease your casting." Merrythought interjected, sternly. However, Lyra didn't stop. She wasn't concerned about the stupid contest. All she'd ever wanted to do was make the girl suffer. She was finally wiping that nauseatingly, sweet smile off her face.

Petrificus Totalus!

The spell hit the crowd with a fresh wave of shock. Not only was it said with such conviction and anger, but the one who petrified Lyra was not one of the teachers, or Frankie. It was Tom Riddle. The flames immediately stopped as she fell to the ground, and Tom appeared behind her. His wand still pointing at her with malice.

"That's enough, Lyra!" Tom snapped, unable to masque any of the fury he had in his voice. Lyra managed to look up at him from her solid state. Of course, he'd come to stop her, even if it might cost his reputation to do so. Dumbledore hastily, but somehow also maintaining a calm tone of voice, announced a short ten-minute intermission. Before Tom could see if Frankie was alright, Dumbledore hurried to guide her away from the stares of the crowd. Tom unbound Lyra. If he hadn't wanted to berate her, he would've left her frozen forever. However, he didn't have much time to get answers before the teachers swarmed to contain her. "What were you thinking? You could've killed her!"

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