59: Instagram; Favorite / Valentine's Day Part II

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salvatore.damon Take me back to those day on the beach. Back to when I had you all alone. Back to where the sun shined perfectly on your blonde hair, and made your eyes sparkle just a little more. Back to this moment where I whispered I'd love you forever... I've spent all day trying to pick a perfect picture of us. I've spent all day trying to figure out what to write in this caption. I've spent all day distracted by you and your beauty to even finish this post until now... And right now, you're laying naked beside me in bed. Mumbling in your sleep, reaching your arms out to hug my waist, and snoring so quietly between your words... I've dwelled on this Valentine's Day post only because I know how much you love this little app. I know how appreciated you feel when I do post something about you or us. I know how much this will mean to you, showing you off to the world, letting everyone know I love you and that they don't have a chance with me because I'm whipped, head over heels for you; I'm yours, darling... I also wanted to say the right things because I know in two days, on the 16th, it means you've spent half a year with me. And I can't believe someone has wanted to put up with me this long. But I know it's nothing like anything my negative side could imagine. I know you love me too. Deeper than I'll ever see. More than words can express. And still not all the passion between us, between every kiss, and every time we make love can show how much and how strong and how infinite our love really is. Nothing can show that more than being together everyday, loving each other through the days, weeks, and months... So happy Valentine's Day and happy early 6 months, Skylar Gilbert... All I wish is you accept me forever, support me forever, and love me forever. Because that's all I can ever really offer you. Because I know I'm a pain in the ass, I know I don't always do right by most people, I know I've hurt you before, I know I haven't always made you feel like first place in my life, I know I haven't removed all your insecurities, and I know I'm not the perfect boyfriend. But I damn sure try to be all that you want, all that you need. Not because I'm scared to lose you, but because I know you do deserve the best. So every day I try harder. I complain less about cleaning the cat litter, I hold you just a little bit tighter every night, I make the bed every morning so you don't have to, I drive you to and from school and your house to mine because I know you hate driving, I kiss you every morning and tell you how lucky I am, and I will do so much more, anything more if it will, even for a second, make you smile... Your happiness will always come before my own. The way it's supposed to be, because I'm only happy if I know I have you by my side, content and smiling... So when you wake up, I hope this makes you grin and your cheeks turn all rosy. I hope you hug me out joy before you kiss me out of thankfulness and passion... And yes, I want a future with you. No, falling in love isn't enough. I want you through the years, and I want to watch you continue to blossom into this beautiful woman I get to call mine, get to show off, and get to support for the rest of my life. No, three dogs and 1 cat will never be all that will fill our house. No, almost living together isn't good enough. But there's no rush, I want to take the time to enjoy our rollercoaster. Because even though you'll wake up and smile at this, there will be times you cry, you slap me, you yell at me, and you'll wish you never met me and take it back. Nothing makes US stronger than overcoming all obstacles and facing all hardships together. But tomorrow, and the next day, and our anniversary the day after that you will be grinning so much your cheeks hurt. Because I'll do anything to make the times so important to you and I special... You're my favorite human, Sky, and I love you more than anything 🖤😚
Tagged: @skybaby

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