3: Face to Face! 'Birthday'

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"Happy birthday," Damon smiled at me. We were the only two in the kitchen. I was just grabbing myself a beer.

"Thank you. Having fun?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Ric and I ran out of bourbon," he chuckled and I smiled softly.

"Well, enjoy that," I said. "I'm going to go find someone to dance with. But thanks for wishing me happy birthday."

"I'll dance with you," he said. My brows raised and I blushed, nodding my head. I put the beer down on the counter and took his hand he held out to me.

I had only met him two days ago. He was beyond gorgeous. Perfect jaw, gorgeous eyes, sexy smirk, kissable lips, and thick brows. He had a beautiful face. And his body. His arms were big and looked so strong. I had already got a peak of this taunt abs.

I bit my lip as we got onto the makeshift dance floor. Damon holding my hips as we faced each other. I placed a hand on his chest and slowly began dancing to the beat. It wasn't long until we were comfortable.

My hips rolled into his and he smirked at me, turning me around so my back was to him. I pressed my bottom to his crotch and swayed my hips to the beat. His arms wrapped fully around my waist, one hand slipped up my blue top and massaging my hip.

"Hey!" Someone shouted and we slowed our movements down. Elena and Caroline appeared in front of us. We stopped dancing but Damon still held me. A groan left his lips and I bit back a smile. "Shots. For both of you. It's almost midnight. Our birthdays are almost over," Elena giggled.

She handed Damon and I shot glasses. Care filled them up with vodka. Mine overflowing down my hand as I glared at her. "Cheers," I whispered, looking at Damon who stood half behind me and half to my side.

I gasped as a hand squeezed my bottom. Damon's smirk made it known that was him. Not that anyone else was this close to me. We both took the shots and then Caroline filled them once more. "Go!" Care shouted.

We take them and Damon finally let me go. He snatched the vodka bottle from the fellow blonde and turned to me. He pushed Elena next to me, smirking. "Open wide, birthday girls," he instructed.

Elena giggled and tossed her head back. I followed suit and Caroline recorded it as he started pouring the vodka in our mouths back and forward, with just enough time for me to swallow.

After the sixth or seventh gulp, I put up a hand. My throat was on fire. "Enough," I said. I stumbled forward, Damon catching me.

"Come on," he said. He led me away from the crowd, still carrying the bottle of vodka. We ended up outside. Bonnie finding her way to us and hugging me.

We sat down with Damon and Ric. "Why aren't y'all with Elena?" I asked the three of them.

"It's your birthday too. We're allowed to hang out with you," Bonnie chuckled.

"Yeah. I already gave her a birthday present and helped you bake her a cake. She got enough from me," Damon snorted.

"I want more to drink," I decided.

"Bourbon. Now," Ric said, getting up. Damon nodded and handed me the bottle of vodka. I tipped the bottle back and took as many sips as I could before I started coughing.

"Jesus. Has she been drinking this whole bottle? There's like two sips left. Not to mention the four beers she, Matt, and I had together," Bonnie said.

I smiled lazily, standing up. Damon was on the cement/brick railing so he was above us. He grabbed me by the arm tightly, holding me up. I moved towards him and tried to climb up onto the railing. His arms lifted me and I climbed into his lap rather than in Ric's old spot. "Be my friend, Damon," I said, pressing a finger to his lips.

"Okay," he laughed. "Best friends."

He bit my finger and I pulled it away, gasping. I leaned my head on his shoulder, my hands playing with the hem of his shirt. Bonnie and Damon made small talk until Ric came back. He poured each of us a glass full of bourbon.

After three more glasses, I decided to jump down from the railing. It was literally only four feet tall. But I wasn't stable enough and the moment I landed on my feet I fell to my knees. A cry left my lips and Bonnie quickly helped me up.

"Jesus, Sky," Bonnie said. A strong arm wrapped around my waist and lifted me so I stood up straight instead of leaning on my friend. I looked over my shoulder at Damon.

"You've had enough," he decided.

"No I didn't," I hiccuped. He lifted me up so he carried me away. I called for Bonnie and Ric to save me. The two followed us, laughing at me.

"Ooh, that hat," I gasped at a hat on the steps. Bonnie picked it up and carried it until we got into some bedroom. Damon placed me on a bed and then Bonnie put the hat on me.

"Time for bed, darling," Damon said softly. My hands slapped his cheeks and I pulled his face close to me.

"I'm not sleepy. Let's take pictures."

"Okay," he chuckled. He removed my hands from his face and I climbed off the bed myself. I handed Bonnie my phone then.

"Come on, Damon," I said, opening my arms. He slipped next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder so I did the same. Bonnie snapped a few pics of us until we stumbled onto the bed.

"Fuck," Damon hissed. I laid on top of him, half straddling his waist. I giggled and suddenly was picked up. Ric held me while Damon slipped off the bed. Then I was tucked in, Bonnie removing my shoes before slipping into the other side of the bed. "So I'm sleeping on the couch tonight?" Damon mused.

"Get out," I yawned. Both men laughed before leaving us alone. Bonnie and I sprawled out at first before I ended up, cuddling her to sleep.

It was a good 18th birthday.

Cousins: Introducing Damon SalvatoreDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora