16: Text // Damon & Elena

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Damon 💙:
I really don't want to fight, Sky.

Damon 💙:
I had no idea she was going to post that picture. And I would've told you how utterly gorgeous you were today if I didn't get caught up in business. Had to help sheriff Forbes

It's not about her posting the pic. It's about the fact there even is a pic. Just this morning you came over to see me. I found you all over her, Damon. And my stomach dropped. I don't want to be second place

Damon 💙:
She's not first, baby. And I don't know how to make this up to you. Or explain it to you. I've known Elena for a year now. It's always been complicated. But you uncomplicated things. I want you

I want you too. But I barely believe you to begin with. You can't even stay away from her. How can I feel secure? Or trust you? 😓

Damon 💙:
I will do anything you want me to. I just want to be the one taking your photos. Holding your hand. Taking you out. All those things that put that beautiful smile on your face. Please forgive me. And I'll earn your trust until I'm calling you mine, baby girl 🖤

I'd like that. But you have to earn it, baby boy. I don't like feeling insecure. And I'm not fighting over you with my cousin. You're not that important lolol

Damon 💙:
I think you'd kick her ass just to win me

Definitely 👅👅

Damon 💙:
Seriously?! 😂😂😂

No lolol



Elena 👯🦄😋: Seriously, Skylar, Damon and I are just friends. I don't want him. I still love Stefan. And I want you to be happy, bby ❤️

It's cool. Damon and I talked. But seriously, out of respect. If you want me to be happy--with Damon--can you keep your distance. And refrain from posting pics of y'all together? I'm jealous. I barely have any pics with him

Elena 👯🦄😋:
Of course, cousin ❤️❤️ I hope he treats you right. He wouldn't stop talking about you all day. And how pretty you looked. I hope you know he's sincere.

I'm working on trusting him. I haven't dated in a long time. It's been 3 years now... I'm nervous. And he's older. Well, he's a vampire and he's experienced... I'm still a virgin 🙈

Elena 👯🦄😋:
Well, no one is saying rush into having sex with him. He's still a total douche. But he's all yours for the taking 😂😂

Sorry I've been so hard on you guys. Btw Stefan still loves you. He wants you to move on, but he doesn't want to be without you. So don't give up hope 💚

Elena 👯🦄😋:
How do you know all that?

He messaged me on IG


Try reaching out to him. He's on social media. That's a calling for help. So help him

Elena 👯🦄😋:
I'll think about it

Good cause #Stelena 💚💚

Elena 👯🦄😋:
😘 love u bby

Love you more 😘😘


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