32: Texts // Elena & Jeremy

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Elena 👯🦄😋:
Can you and Damon please come over? Ric just died with his ring on. He's taking forever to wake up. He got hit by a car after pushing Jeremy out the way. Klaus compelled Jeremy to just stand in the middle of the road. A hybrid was driving the truck. I'm kinda freaking out right now

WTF! Yeah. We're on the way bby

Elena 👯🦄😋:
Can you talk to Jer? He got fired last week. He didn't tell anyone. And he's been hanging out with Tyler

Who is sired to Klaus. So he's doing his dirty work huh?"

Elena 👯🦄😋:
Yeah. Think he's the one who took Jer's bracelet so he was off of vervain. Jer was compelled to take off the ring

Is he okay? Jeremy?

Elena 👯🦄😋:
Not really. Ric just died to save him. He could've died only minutes ago. He won't really talk to me. And he's been hostile for awhile

Okay. We'll figure things out. I'm gonna text Jeremy now

Elena 👯🦄😋:
Thank you


So I heard you got fired. Why didn't you tell anyone? You can tell me anything Jeremy. I know Elena's overprotective and so is Ric. So I get you don't want to go to them with your problems. But you have me too. We're family and I love you. I won't even tell Elena what we talk about. But we need to talk, Jeremy

Jeremy 🤙:
I wasn't showing up to work. That's all

Why not? Why would you just not show up? Did you want to get fired?

Jeremy 🤙:
I don't know. I didn't feel like going

Since when?

Jeremy 🤙:
For awhile now. I got fired a week ago

Hmm awhile ago? You and Bonnie broke up awhile ago. Is that what this is about? You're upset over that? Cause I'd understand. I'd probably stop showing up to work if Damon broke up with me

Jeremy 🤙:
I deserved it

Jeremy, what you did...was wrong. But it's so hard for anyone to understand because literally NO ONE has ever been with a dead/ghost ex. No one knows what that feels like or what you were going through. Bonnie broke up with you because you lied to her and she was hurt over that and your relationship with Anna. But that doesn't mean she doesn't love you anymore. Or that you guys can't be friends. And you are never going to win her back by destroying yourself and ruining your life

Jeremy 🤙:
What am I supposed to do?

Get your shit together. Stop hanging around Tyler. He's not a good influence. And especially not right now. He's Klaus little minion

Jeremy 🤙:

And I don't care if you get a new job or not but you better bring up your grades in school. Damon told me that you got an F on your midterm paper

Jeremy 🤙:
How did he know?

Ric told him. Ric said you copied and pasted it all from the internet.

Jeremy 🤙:
Okay. I'm sorry

You need to apologize to Ric and Elena. They care for you too. You're hurting them. So again. Get your shit together. And open the front door

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