Chapter 3; The Next Day

Start from the beginning

"Sorry Mack. Didn't think about that," Nadia apologized.

"It's not your fault. They just can't figure out their marriage to save their lives," I muttered bitterly.

"It'll get better Mackenzie," Brynn said cheerfully.

I shrugged and played with my fingers. They continued to talk while I sat and listened. It's not like I like to be like this, all depressed and mopey but, I can't help it.


I get home from school and it's just my dad home. He's on the phone so I don't even bother trying to acknowledge him.

Just as I walk past his office, I feel him grab my arm and pull my back.

I turn and look at him. He gestures one minute to me so I stand and wait for him.

"Okay well, thank you George I'll see you in the office tomorrow," dad said into his phone. He hangs up and turns to me smiling.

"Come into the office sweetie," dad said.

I nodded and take a seat in the large armchair across from his desk.

"So, as you know your mother is having guests over Friday. That's in two days, and they're bringing their children with them, so she needs you to be on your best behavior. You understand?" Dad explained.

"Yes sir," I mumbled.

"What's with the sir? I'm your father, call me dad," he insisted.

I nodded, "sorry dad."

"It's okay. So how was school?" He asked.

"It was fine. How's work?" I ask.

"It's work," he laughed. That's his same answer every time I ask. "Just a bit stressed lately sweetie but, don't worry about it."

I nodded and looked down at my hands.

"You okay Mackenzie? You look very depressed," dad questioned concerned.

I hesitate to answer. I notice him standing up from his office chair and squatting down in front of me. He grabs my hands and holds them tightly. As if to say "whatever's wrong I'm here to help."

"Dad, are you and mom getting divorced?" I ask.

He sighs, "I don't know sweetie. Your mother and I are under loads of stress lately, we don't see each other very often," he begins.

"Okay, I understand."

"Is there anything else?" Dad asked, standing up.

"Well my friends invited me to go to this haunted house hayride thing this weekend, then sleeping over Lauren and John's house, I really want to go. Can I?"

He smiled at me, "of course you can. Go have fun, be a teenager."

I smiled back and hugged him tightly. "Thank you thank you thank you!"

"You're welcome sweetheart, now I got to get back to work, I'll be done around six thirty. I'll make us dinner," dad smiled.

I nodded and left his office smiling. I can't believe he said yes!

Hey guys here's the new chapter. I hoped you like it. TBH I don't remember the name of the song bc I just typed something and clicked something so if you know it comment what it it's called. I'd greatly appreciate it.

So rn I'm watching To the Bone. It's a Netflix movie. It's really good I like it a lot.

It's about anorexic and bulimic people in a home. Trying to get help. It's so good.

TBH I can kind of relate. Not completely because I am not neither of those things, but, I know what it feels like to not eat and stuff.

I got depressed as hell at one point and I basically kind of stopped eating. I'd eat a few things then after little things I'd be finished. For some reason though, right now I'm depressed.

I'm not really sure why it is. Idk it's weird. But that's my life so we will see. The thing that keeps me going is the fact I'm going back home to New York in two weeks.

So ya that's me.

QOTD: What's the deepest movie you've seen?
AOTD: To the Bone. Definitely deep shit. Not a lot of people can handle.

That's me. Sorry for the depressing-ness today. Idk just upset.

Bye loves xoxo

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