I headed straight for my first period, which was Chemistry with Rebecca and Hayden, really excited I couldn't even walk fast enough. I ignored all the staring faces because now they were just starting to get annoying after the first day. I entered the Chemistry classroom and neither Rebecca nor Hayden was to be there, so I sighed a little and sat down at my seat, pulling out my iPhone. Kayla hadn't texted me back from yesterday, so I figured she had already forgotten about me. I sighed and looked through my apps, playing a couple games before people started to enter the room and a hand flung out to cover my screen, just as I was going to reach a high score of my game.

I frowned and looked up at who blocked my screen and it was Rebecca, I should have known, but she just smiled happily and hugged me tightly, like a friend she's known forever. I returned the enthusiastic hug, until she squeaked and I let her go. She walked around from where she stood and sat down at her desk, turning around to face me.

"I saw your car," She said lowly and looked around to see if anyone heard, "so you took my advice?" She wiggled her eyebrows and I shrugged a little, shoving my phone into my pocket, still a little sad that she ruined me from getting a high score.

"It was cold this morning and I didn't want to walk," I simply put it and leaned back into my chair as the class began.

Hayden hadn't showed up, and not even late from "waking up late", which made me slightly disappointed because I really wanted to hang out with him, get to know it, and fix him, even though I was kind of selfish for that last one. I constantly glanced towards the door, imagining him running through it, panting and out of breath, making up an excuse for why he was late, though I knew it wouldn't happen.

I walked with Rebecca to our next class, as she told me about the interesting things about their school to look forward to next year, since I missed all of them this year because they're usually during the first two quarters of the year. She talked about their homecoming, proms, and dances that I wasn't very interested in attending myself, but it seemed to enthrall Rebecca. I also learned that over here, they threw a big end of the school bash where anyone was invited to stay all night at the school, and have one big party; it sounded like a lot of fun and I thought I would attend that.

When second period, English, started, everyone went silent and people became lost in the book that we were reading, and I caught myself falling into the darkness of the book. The period flew by quickly and I hardly even recognized that the bell rang until Rebecca grabbed my book, and shut it, setting it down on my desk.

"Come on, book nerd," She giggled and I rolled my eyes, grabbing my stuff and walked out of the class with here, we didn't head towards where we met up with Hayden yesterday, but instead just headed straight for our next period.

"Say, heard from Hayden?" I nudged her arm gently as we walked down the hall; she looked up at me and nodded her head a little. "Well where is he?" I dared ask and she looked down at her feet, and spoke.

"He's not 'feeling' good, even though I know that's not the case," I nodded my head in understanding the situation that lay before us, "though he should be here tomorrow, perfectly fine."

We didn't really speak to one another in our next class because there was really nothing to talk about today. I leaned back in my chair and listened to my teacher talk about his life again when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out, so that it was out of view for the teacher and read over the message from my father:

I want you to come after school into Nike. I have some things for you to do.

I sighed and replied a quick "okay" to him, and shoved my phone back into my pocket. My father sometimes made me work for him after school, and paid me a decent amount, but I just hated because customers there always gave me weird looks when they figured out that I was my father's son because my father loved sports, and I just looked goth.

The rest of the day went by pretty quick, Rebecca and I exchanged a few words as and we went our separate ways after school. I headed towards my car, that had a few admirers around it, and they all glanced at me as I walked towards them, and began backing up. They didn't say anything just watched me as I opened my door, started my car, and pulled out of the parking lot.

I headed straight towards my father's building firm, pulling into the employee's parking lot, parking right next to my father's Comoro. I headed inside the building some of his workers greeting me as I passed on by their work stations. I found my father in his office, filling out papers. He lifted his head to look at me and smiled pleasantly.

"Finally! You're here." He said and stood up and strolled over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I want you to go to our local store in the city central because Diane was sick today, there is no one running the front counters, they are just struggling on getting by." I peered down at my father who was only an inch shorter than me, but he made himself seem taller by his attitude, and straight posture when he stood. He had naturally brown hair, like my mother, and soft blue eyes. He wore a black suit, with a blood red tie, always dressed for his job.

"Why didn't you just call me to tell me that?" I chuckled lightly and smiled. "Then I wouldn't of had to take the ride all the over here." This building was a little out of the way because now I was going to have to head back into town to go to the Nike store.

"I just wanted to see my son!" My father pulled me into a tight hug, patting my back roughly, and let me go, "I haven't seen you as much as I would like to. Now go, you'll be late." I headed back out of the building, which was mainly for just the manufacturer of the brand, and strolled back to my car, getting in and heading towards the store in the city center.

I introduced myself to the people who worked there and began to work, checking out people's purchases and answering the questions that some customers had, also answering the phones every once in a while. I had been working maybe a couple hours when a group of jocks, from my school walked in; I noticed them a couple times, as I walked down the halls; they were always in a group together talking about football, or girls.

Out of the whole group, I only knew one guy, Heath, the guy who sat behind me in my Math class and had asked me if I played football. He was laughing and throwing punches into his buddy's arms as they walked around the store joking and looking over the stuff. I continued to check out people's purchases, glancing every once and a while at the group of jocks.

Finally, Heath had noticed me at the counter and gave me a curious gaze, departing from his group to come talk to me. "You work here?" He asked me a look of confusion grazed across his face, and I shrugged.

"No, I'm just filling in for someone who's sick." I spoke then mentally sighed because I made it sound that I did work here. "I mean-my father wanted me fill in for a girl here, so I did. I don't actually work as an employee."

"They just let anyone in?" He gave me a more confused face, then before, "because I've been trying to get a job here, but they think I only want to work here to get discounts, which is partially true, but still..."

"No, they don't just let anyone-my father is co-Ceo of Nike, that's why I am here." I shook my head a little, shaking away my embarrassment. "He wanted me to fill in because he couldn't get anyone to cover."

"Wait... co-CEO?" By this point the whole group had been listening in, all staring at me with excited face, "but you said you weren't a football player."

"Just because I work for a sports company doesn't mean I play sports," I paused, "that's more of my father's dream." I leaned against the counter, getting some glares from the employee's for talking on the job, but there was not one except the jocks in the store right now, and they would dare tell me to stop because of who my father was.

"Maybe you should play with us sometime, might change your mind," Heath smiled and there were some "Yeahs" that chorused after him.

"Yeah maybe," I flashed a small smile and Heath nodded, staring at me for a moment, before leaving with his friends. I finished up with my shift five hours later and went home. I headed straight for my bedroom, flopping down on top of my bed and the instant I close my eyes I fell asleep.

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