My sweet mother was right. I had no friends, so this really wouldn't affect me socially. At school, I was too quiet, too ugly, too dumb, and too clumsy to fit in anywhere. I did have one friend, Karla, but she moved away in 6th grade. Ever since I haven't seemed to know how to make friends. And my parents jobs didn’t help out either.

Ever since I was in 5th grade and dad got this amazing job I'm not allowed to know about, everything changed. We move about 2 times a year, so I've never had a chance to really get to know people. I did try to though, ever new school I would try to make new friends, I failed, but I tried. That of course stopped once I reached the 9th grade and realized people are the worst. Ever since, I don't even try to make an attempt of socializing. Why should I? No one ever seems to like me.

The bell to breakfast rang, so I made my way out of the fresh woods onto camp sunshine, the best place ever.

Camp sunshine is filled with bratty rich kids. Everyone here is either self-centered, lacks a brain, or both.

I got my food and sat at the table farthest from the crowd. I looked down onto a plate of rich people cuisines, the only thing I could name was pancakes, although they were much thinner than I was used to. My parents might have been rich, but they never spoiled me like everyone else here seems to have been. Usually my parents were gone for a couple of days at who knows where, and I was left alone with the house maid making microwaveable food.

After breakfast, everyone goes to wherever they are scheduled to be. I'm scheduled for swimming lessons, so after I finished my meal I was off to the pools.

The smell of chlorine and tanning lotion took over the air. I entered the lockers and opened the gray cubby that contained my bathing suit. As I changed I heard footsteps behind me. Great.

“hey look it's the loner girl!" a voice said from behind.

I tried to ignore them, but each insult made me wince as if I'd never heard them before.

"How old are you 10? Maybe she's not even a girl, maybe she's just some scrawny gay boy"

"Guys I think her nose can pop a balloon."

"Well now I know why she has no friends! Look at her skin she's white as snow!"

Different laughs filled the room as I started to lock the locker. I turned around and was forced to face the two girls I share my cabin with, plus three other girls who looked just like them. They all had strawberry blonde hair except for one, who had red velvet hair that was obviously not natural. They all glowed the same golden color and wore the same red one-piece as me, except they actually looked good in it. They all seemed to have already had boob jobs, they were at least 17 I’m sure their parents allowed such an act.

I tried to quickly walk past them to no avail; the red headed one slammed me against the cold lockers and held me by my shoulders. We all had to be the same age, but these girls were all athletic, no doubt about it.

"Get the hell off of me!" I said as I tried to push her off, still not succeeding.

"What’s the matter? Got no friends to stand up for you?"

She said in a mocking voice.

This had to be at least the fifth time they do this to me, and it has been only five days that I've been taking swimming lessons. This bitch thought she could just push me around. Walking around in her skanky outfits like she was royalty, it made me sick. Consumed by the anger, i worked up saliva behind my throat and spit right on her face.

A wave of courage and bravery whirled inside me, but it only lasted a few seconds because before I could see it coming, the red head slapped me across my face. The impact made me fall on the ground, hitting my hip on the cold cement.

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