She would write letters to Seulgi.

She knew that Seulgi would never read it,but she had to write her thoughts somewhere.

Or else she would go insane.

She didn't really talk to her family anymore,she didn't want to.

She wanted Seulgi.

After the tragic incidents occurred,relatives would come and try to talk with Jisoo.

She would force a smile and go up to her room,so that she didn't have to see the pity in their eyes.

She didn't need any pity.

She needed time alone.

After her summer holidays passed by,it was time for school.

She didn't want to,not because she hated studying.

Her parents made her change school.

They knew that if she stayed at her current school,everyone would remember her as the girl whose best friend killed herself.

Jisoo couldn't care less.

Because it's the truth.

She didn't care if people knew or not.

Her parents cared.

Her parents called her down into the living room,trying to talk with her.

Jisoo didn't want to.

They talked about how she should make friends and move on.

They talked about how she should be warm and friendly.

She didn't take it seriously.

She knew that her parents were only looking out for her.

But she didn't even want to make friends.

She'd rather stay alone the whole school year,then force herself to engage in pointless conversations with people she didn't even want to be friends with in the first place.

After the unnecessary talk,she went up to her room,dressed in her pyjamas and brushed her teeth.


She fell asleep after thinking about Seulgi again.

Like she did every night.

Her sleep was fine,she woke up a few times but that's normal.

She has insomnia.

It was already 7 am when she woke up,she had thirty minutes to get ready.

She woke up,brushed her teeth and went down to the kitchen to eat something.

After that she quickly showered and dried her hair.

She put on her new school's uniform and went out of the house,without saying anything to her parents.

She made her way to the bus stop,thinking about how shitty this day is gonna be.

She should move on,that's what everyone told her.

But they were not her.

They didn't lose someone they spent almost all of her life with.

Her bus came.

She sat down,waiting quietly for her bus to reach her school.


For her bus to reach hell.

She went into the new school and immediately regretted going there.

If she's lucky,people will just leave her alone.

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