Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Ming-Yue just looks at the ring in Giotto hand thinking of what to do take it or not Giotto looks at her knowingly when he says "You really want to see them?" Ming-Yue looks down and nods before saying "They think I'm dead and I did not have time to even meet them all and tell them how alive I am." All of them look at her with sympathy even Alaude who was mostly cold when the others are around.

"Then take this ring and go to the present to kill Matteo he cannot be left there doing what he wants and in the meantime try to see them." Ming-Yue eyes widen in surprise and excitement that she said "Really? Giotto!" he nods while the others just by looking at Giotto they knew tell he was planning something.

But only the other saw it Ming-Yue would have seen it but she was more focus on seeing them than focusing on what Giotto was planning.

So she got up and went to Giotto who gave her the ring she puts it on before leaving the room going to get Feona who was sleeping in her room.

She grabs the grumpy cat and focus on wanting to see Reborn and the others making her he white moon flame engulf her and Feona taking them to Tsuna time.

While that happened "What are you planning Giotto?" G said as the others looked at Giotto for an answer. But he just stayed silent.

*Tsuna time period*

Ming-Yue landed in front of an abandon building she did not think too much about and was about to leave when she heard "The boss is furious from what happened! How did that girl get the controller?" "I don't know! But we have to suffer for that simple mistake." The other guy said

'That's means this might be where Matteo and his men are using this building as a hideout.' Ming-Yue thought she looks up at the building to see if there was a way to climb it wish there was but everyone in the building has to die.

She looks at Feona who engulf herself in white flames that flow toward Ming-Yue and covers her body after it disappears Ming-Yue was wearing a white cloak covering her body with the hood over her head making her look like a ghost with two delicate but strong knife which curved end upward a little.

She walked toward the men that were facing other direction she walked behind them like a ghost while lifting her knife still they were level to their neck when she just walks in between them in which they take a look at her in surprise before falling to the ground with their necks slit and blood spilling into a puddle of blood.

Ming-Yue went inside seeing that most of them with lying around sleeping Ming-Yue took out needles that she cover in her flame and threw them at them permanently asleep.

She keeps doing that to the ones who were asleep to the ones that were awake she just slit their throats without even being notice that after every kill she says "Riposa in pace" because Knuckle told her to show respect to the death.

Ming-Yue reached the room that Matteo was sitting on a chair in front of a desk with papers he was writing on that the only sound in the room was the pen making contract with the paper along with his calm breathing and heartbeat.

He was not aware of her presence for now since Ming-Yue could have revealed herself which would involve him attacking her which will make Ming-Yue want to play with him still he was near death to slowly minute to second still his last breath she would have play but since she has other goal in mind which leave no time to play around with her victim.

So Ming-Yue walks silently toward him while muttering under her breath "I'm the moon that lights the dark sky I take the darkness and make it disappear. Riposa in pace" she said the last words after slitting his throat.

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