Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Ming-Yue followed Giotto with Daemon walking behind Ming-Yue because he was sure if she walked behind him the floor will not make the best bed even if the floor was carpet.

Giotto opened the doors to the dining room where five guys were sitting one with red hair same style like Gokudera only that he has a tattoo on his cheek, next to him was guy that looks like Ryohei only with black hair and honey color eyes, green mop of hair that belongs to the guy that looks like Lambo just that his hair is green and lightning bolt under his right eye, next is guy dress in Japanese clothes and looks just like a mature version of Yamamoto and the other guy that was glaring looks like hibari just that he has platinum blond hair and icy blue eyes.

But Ming-Yue knew that he was worried too along the other guardians but Alaude will not show it.

They take their sits with Giotto sitting to G right, Daemon sits next to Asari while Ming-Yue sits next to Lampo who was dragging her down to sit next to him so she really did not have a choose.

"Now why did you want to kill Daemon?" Giotto said curiously which pecked up Alaude curiously when he say "I guess since he is still alive means that Giotto stepped in the way?" Ming-Yue nods and says "He was the first one that I found."

Giotto nods in understanding "So why you back so soon?" G said which made Ming-Yue look down in which Lampo rubs her back still Ming-Yue says "He is not ready yet to be the Vongola boss and when Matteo showed with his men at the party they were having because of winning the ring Conflict he said that I could not do anything because Tsuna was not going to give an order he wanted me to watch how he killed them all with technology."

Giotto frowned with the others getting mad when Knuckles said "But it did not went his way right?" a small smile appear on Ming-Yue face as she nods and says "Because of Feona taking the controller away from him and me breaking it was what saved them making Matteo leave."

"Oh that cat is useful." Alaude said "Well then that means you can take this back?" Giotto said as he holds an original Vongola ring like the others have only that the color is white with a crescent moon on it.

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