My Baby

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couple of months later.....

I  was having many pain and slim  stuff  was coming.

Kevin wasn't home so I in had to call him and he said he was going to be their in a minute.

He grabbed my bags and stuff helped me walk to the car.

I went in the emergency room and the doctor it was opend 5 so it was time I told kevin to call my parents and his to say it was time.

Maria》I was very scared but I would do everything for my baby.

Kevin》 I was scared for my baby and if something happened to my princess I would died I dont know why I was thinking of this stuff I was just to scared.

Our family we their and cheering me up and I was very scared.

M/everyone was in the room and the doctor asked them to go and only the dad must say.

When the doctor and I was ready to have my baby Kevin grabbed my hand and kissed my for head and said  I love you and nothing was going  to happen.

when the baby was going out I had to scream and push the baby down my vagina it hurt but it took like a thousand minutes until it was out they went and clean him and kevin said I sooooo proud of you and I love you and the baby.

I said I love him to.♥ ♥

3 weeks later

I was finally going home and the baby name was Alex.♥♡

Will they looked just the same with color eyes and is veery cute just like her mom and dad. while I had rest Kevin had to change the diper and I was starting at Kevin how cute he looked being a daddy and how he took care of him.

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