Me ♡ Kevin

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Kevin/Maria》When I was done talking to my parent I went to my room and got my stuff and Kevin Helped me put the stuff in the car I  said by to my parent and gave them a kiss and I was trying not to cry and I was thinking in my mind this is a hard step I was taking but I was going with my love.

When me and Kevin where in the car Kevin tooked me to a hotel while we find a house.

Kevin grabbed me like we just got married and took me in are room.

He was kissing me and taking of  my pants but I stopped him and told him that the doctor said not to have sex until 2 weeks because the baby will get hurt and might come out and I will lose it.

He said he didn't want to lose and and just keeped kissing me and he took a shower and went in bed and was looking for a house and found the right one for us.

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