Our Parents

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kevin grabbed my hand and took me to his car and said he was going to tell his parents that  you were pregnant.  I said I could because I said what they were going to think about me.

Kevin-Dont worry your with me and nothing bad is going happen.

when we arrived  Kevin mom was in the kitchen and his dad was in the living room with his little brother Oscar and hig big brother Herdardo Kevin told his mom to come to the living room and Kevin told them the big new and they would proud of me and Herdardo gave me a huge and said I going to be  an uncle and told kevin I thought I was going to get married first and his mom and dad huged me and said take good care.

Oscarito said I have to play with him or her. I said ok. Then me and Kevin left because he told he en had tl talk to my parents and Kevins mom got him in trouble becauseab he had to talk tk them first.

We left and he took me to my house and said come on babe.

My mom and dad were in their room watching tv and we both went in and I told them I was pregnant and said I was going to go live with him my mkm and dad were very disappointed on me and my dad said ya lo esero a ora que and said esta bien and gave me a huge and my mom was mad but she said she was always going to be their by my side. I said thanks and kevin said he was very sorry but he was going to make me happy.

Kevin OrtizWhere stories live. Discover now