First Broken Bone

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"Stiles! Don't dump the sand everywhere!" A 4 year old Scott yelled, grabbing his five year old friend, Stiles's hand which had a bucket full of sand in it. "Make stuff with it." Scott added, returning to his sandcastle as Stiles sighed, before dumping the sand on top of Scott.


"Wha?" He asked innocently, still having pronunciation issues, but only his L's and T's as he looked over at 5 year old Lydia Martin, who was playing on the swings, 5 year old Jackson Whittemore beside her, but Stiles was staring straight at her, a large grin on his face.

"Why are you looking at her again? She has cooties." Scott remarked as Stiles got up, sitting on the other swing beside Lydia.

"Hi." He smiled as Lydia waved, a large smile on her face, her green eyes beaming as her strawberry blonde hair blew in the wind while she swung back and forth.

"Hey Stiles!" Jackson yelled as Stiles looked in his direction. "Do you, Scott and Lydia wanna play tag?"

Stiles nodded with a wide grin as he got off the swing as Lydia jumped off while Scott got out of the sandbox, dusting his pants off as Stiles tagged Lydia.


Before the three boys ran in opposite directions, making Lydia sigh before running after Scott, Jackson and Stiles.

Lydia found Scott rather quickly, tagging him, then they went in search of Stiles and Jackson.

They scanned almost every nook and cranny in the playground of the school with no results, but a few minutes after Scott and Lydia separated, he was drawn to her location by two screams, one being hers, one being Stiles's.

He immediately ran over to where Lydia was trying to calm down Stiles, who was cradling his arm, tears running down his face.

"It's OK, Stiles. Please don't cry." Lydia begged, smoothing out his ruffled mess of hair as he continued to wail.

"It huwts!"

Scott stood there in shock, not knowing what to do but go get a magic bandaid as he ran to the teacher as fast as possible.

"Mrs. Knowles! Mrs. Knowles!" He screamed, running to the teacher.

"Scott? Who's crying? What's going on?" She asked, kneeling down and holding his shoulders.

"Stiles. He needs the magic bandaid."

Mrs. Knowles picked up Scott, placing him on her hip before walking over to Lydia and Stiles, where she put down Scott and picked up Stiles, who sobbed into her shoulder.

"Is he gonna be OK?" Lydia asked, tears starting to form in her eyes as well as Mrs. Knowles held the boy closer.

"Yeah." Before turning to Stiles, wrapping his arm in a towel. "Let's call your Mommy and Daddy, OK?"

Stiles nodded as the two disappeared into the kindergarten building while the substitute came out.

"We're gonna end recess early. Come inside for story time." She smiled as the kids lined up, but Lydia and Scott were both scared.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Knowles had called Noah and Claudia, but was still holding Stiles in her arms while they waited, holding the towel still, while his wails reduced to sniffles as he bragged to his teacher about his Dad.

"He's in chawge of awl the powice! No one tewls him what to do! And he has a gwun!"

"That's very cool, Stiles." She smiled just as Noah walked up to them, gently tickling his son before picking him up, holding the towel securely.

"Is someone bragging again?"

"Maybe..." He sniffed as he hugged Noah with his left arm.

"Let's go see Scott's Mommy, sound good?" He asked as Stiles responded, burying his head into Noah's shoulder. "Thanks for watching him."

"It's my job." Mrs. Knowles smiled as Noah walked out of the building, holding onto Stiles tightly as she went back to the kids.

Noah pulled up to the hospital, Claudia in the back with Stiles, who had fallen asleep in his seat as she pulled him out, holding the towel still as the three walked into the hospital, Stiles waking up as he gripped onto Claudia with his good arm.

"It's OK, Mischief. We're just gonna go see Scott's Mommy. OK?"

He nodded as they walked inside, Noah explaining to the receptionist what had happened.

"Alright, I need you to sign these forms, and you can go sit down. I'll tell Dr. Adams you're here." She smiled, before working on more papers.

"Mama?" Stiles whimpered.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"It huwts...a wot."

"I know, Mischief. It'll be OK." She kissed his forehead while stroking his hair.

"Stilinski?" Melissa called as the family stood up while following her to the examination room, stopping to check his height, 40 inches and weight, 36 pounds, and getting a few X-rays done of his arm before leading them into the room where she sat down on the swivel chair while Clauid sat down on the examination table with Stiles in her lap.

"So you hurt your arm, Stiles?"

Stiles nodded as he started speaking.

"Me, Wydia, Scowt, and Jackson wewre pwaying twag when Jackson pushed me into a twree accidentwy."

Melissa managed to decipher what Stiles has said, knowing he was still in speech therapy, as she wrote it down on her clipboard.

"So where does it hurt?" She asked as he pointed to his radius bone, which she also wrote down before standing up. "Dr. Adams will be in here in a minute." She left after that, clipboard in hand as Stiles started playing with the towel wrapped around his arm while Claudia stroked his hair.

Melissa and Dr. Adams came back a few minutes later as the male snapped on a pair of gloves before slowly unwrapping the towel over Stiles's bent and slightly bloody arm.

"Melissa, can you go get the developed X-rays, please?" Dr. Adams asked as Melissa nodded, leaving the room.

"So you were pushed into a tree and hit your radius bone,correct?"

"Um, I twhink. I'm nowt suwe." Stiles admitted as Dr. Adams rephrased it.

"Your arm."

"Yeah, twhat happened." Stiles nodded as Melissa came back, showing the X-rays to Dr. Adams.

"Alright, I need to straighten out his arm a bit, but it was mostly a clean fracture, so that's good."

Stiles immediately gripped onto Claudia, who stroked his hair while Noah held his left hand as Dr. Adams straightened out his arm, making him wail again, loudly as he gripped his dad's hand.

"It's all over, buddy." Noah told him gently as they took Stiles downstairs to get a cast.


"That's so awesome, Stiles!" Scott exclaimed in awe, looking at his best friend's light blue cast that started at his fingers and ended at his elbow.

"Twanks, Scowt." Stiles smiled as Lydia held up a black sharpie the teacher had given her so everyone who wanted to could sign his cast with permission.

"Can I sigh it?" She asked, leading him to nod as she touched the marker to the cast, writing her name in all caps with a badly drawn flower on it.

But it was Stiles's badly drawn flower, and he loved it almost as much as he loved her.

Nthgbutlb you wanted fluff, I give you fluff.

If anyone wants a one shot, leave it in the comments!

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