Scott's first asthma attack

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"You know, it's nice to finally have some girl time." Claudia smiled at Melissa as they were sitting on the porch, both drinking lemonade as they watched their six year old sons, Scott and Stiles, having the time of their lives in front of them, the summer heat beating down on all four of them since Noah and Rafael had been working.

"It really is. I haven't been able to take a day off for awhile." Melissa smiled back as the boys ran into the backyard, screaming loudly out of good nature.

"Well, we need to relocate." Claudia sighed, standing up before Stiles came running back, hands on his knees, as he panted to catch his breath, and Claudia, knowing how her son could've accidentally hurt himself, Scott, or all of the above, knelt down beside him.

"What's wrong, Mischief?"

"Scott...fell...can't breathe." Stiles told them in between breaths, sending fear up Melissa's spine as the two woman ran around to the backyard, Claudia carrying Stiles on her hip as Melissa knelt down beside her son who was struggling to breathe.

"M-mo-mmy." Scott whimpered in between gasps as she immediately realized what was going on with her son.

"It's OK, Scott. You're gonna be OK. Just stay calm. Claudia, call 911, tell them that he's having a asthma attack." She told her as she propped Scott up against her body in a sitting position.

"Come on, Mischief." Claudia told him as Stiles did what he does best, and started asking questions.

"Is Scott gonna be OK? What's asthma? Am I gonna catch asthma?"

"Mieczyslaw, I will talk to you later." She told him with a rare stern tone filling her voice as she called a ambulance, standing away from where all this was happening with Stiles in tow.

"I-I'm sca-scared..." Scott whimpered, breathing harder and gasping faster.

"Scott, look at me. You have to stay calm. Focus on your breathing, in and out. OK?"

Scott nodded as he tried to steady his breathing.

"They are on the way." Claudia came back a few seconds later after hanging up the phone. "They said to keep him calm and upright, as well as remove any possible triggers."

Melissa nodded as she held Scott close just as the ambulance pulled up, Claudia immediately taking Stiles to their car and starting the drive to the hospital as they placed Scott on a gurney, Melissa climbing in the ambulance as they stared driving back to the hospital while they started giving him medication as well as oxygen.

By the time they got there, Scott's attack had ended, but he was still wheezing when he was taken back to get check to make sure it was asthma while Melissa sat in the waiting room with Stiles and Claudia.

Stiles was playing with his toy cars, sitting on the floor beside Claudia's feet as Melissa paced back and forth and biting her nails.

"Melissa, he'll be fine."

"I'm used to helping in there, and now I'm out here. How do you do this all this?" Melissa asked as Claudia ruffled Stiles's hair while saying.

"Trust me, Mischief got me used to hospital visits, and while it is always nerve racking, it's become routine for Noah and I now."

"I knew I forgot to tell Rafael!" Melissa yelled as she pulled out her phone and started to explain everything to her husband.

"Do I need to leave work?" He asked, generally scared for his son's wellbeing as Melissa shook her head.

"He seems mostly fine now, but I'm not 100% sure. I'll call you if you need to come before you're done."

"OK. I'll see you and Scott tonight." Rafael told her as she could hear the shuffling of paper work, knowing that it was time for her to hang up.


"Bye Melissa."

She hung up as the female doctor, hair in a black ponytail, with several Asian features came out, clipboard in hand.

"Family of Scott McCall?"

Melissa stood up as the doctor, who she surprisingly didn't know, told her that yes, Scott had asthma and was resting, but was gonna be fine as Melissa let out a sigh of relief, thinking to herself.

'Thank God.'

Please suggest ideas guys!

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