Getting a Guardian...and Something More-Soundwave

Start from the beginning

"Well, Y/N, that wasn't very kind of you, startling me like that." He purrs, making your eyes widen a bit. He grins. "I'm Knockout, the chief medical officer of the Decepticons, and the most attractive mech aboard." He adds with a wink.

You blush lightly, and it does not go unnoticed by the otherwise silent mech holding you up. With the more threatening tone of Megatron he announces, "That will be all."

Knockout stands to his full height once more and looks knowingly at Soundwave then back down at you. "You're welcome to stop by anytime you want, Y/N."

Soundwave rather abruptly makes for the door, but not before Breakdown shouts out, "And please, feel free to scare Knockout again!"

"Shut up!" You hear followed by what you assume to be a punch and a burst of deep laughter.

The door closes and Soundwave looks back over his shoulder at it, then quickly moves onward.

"Well they were...interesting. Especially that Knockout character." You say with an amused smile.

"Pay him no mind." Soundwave murmurs.

You look up at him and chuckle. "Jealous?" You tease.

He looks down at you, then back up, "No."

A giggle escapes your lips at his reaction and you plop down in the center of his palm, crossing your legs and eagerly looking forward. "Who are we meeting next?"

You turn a corner and Soundwave nearly slams into another mech who shrieks in discontent. "Starscream." Soundwave answers your previous question.

"Soundwave!" Starscream shouts, mistaking his answer for a greeting, "Primus, watch where you're going! I don't have time for such careless behavior, I need to go inform Lord Megatron of something!"

You cringe at his high pitched voice, standing up slowly. Something tells you this is a mech you need to be careful of.

Starscream's glare go right to your movement. The blood red eyes narrow. "What is that?"

You glare up at him. "I'm not a 'that'."

He chuckles, a sound that sends shivers of fear crawling down your spine. "Please tell me you're bringing her to me because I am the one who gets to kill her." He grins maliciously.

Your eyes grow wide in fear and you walk as far as you can, trying to get away. Soundwave pulls you protectively towards his chest. "'I wish to join your ranks sir' 'Well then Y/N, welcome to the Decepticons' 'So, like, introductions'." Soundwave explains in an odd and slightly terrifying mix of your's and Megatron's voices.

"What?!" He cries out in disbelief, "This human is a recruit?!"

Soundwave nods and you wince again as Starscream turns his hatred filled gaze to you. "You."

He goes to grab at you and you yelp in fear before the clash of metal on metal sounds through the hall. You gape at Starscream who now slumps at the bottom of the wall on the opposite side.

"'You will not harm' 'her', 'understood?'" He replays, all Megatron's voice, loud and strong.

Shakily, Starscream stands and nods, "Y-yes, Soundwave." He says before running off down the hall.

Soundwave stared down the hall after him, then shook his head and brought your trembling frame up to his face. "Are you alright?"

You nod, but your wide eyes suggest otherwise.

He sighs. "Sorry. Like I said, unpredictable."

He brings you to another room, one smaller than the Medbay. His personal quarters. It was relatively bare, with what must have been a bed, a table with a few large pieces of alien technology, and screens on several walls.

He places you gently on the table, crouching down to your height. Neither one of you speaks for a moment, before you ask something that had been bugging you since your interaction with Megatron.



"Why don't you talk to the others in your voice?"

It's silent for a moment before he answers quietly, "I don't trust them."

You look at him with glowing E/C eyes. "But you trust me?"

Even with the visor, you can feel the intensity of the look he gives you. "You haven't given me a reason not to."

The mech can't stop talking around you. He doesn't know why. It's true he trusts you, and even if he didn't, what influence would a tiny human girl have over him? But here you were, asking questions that he wouldn't answer for anyone else, and here he was, his carefully constructed walls shattered and turned to rubble at his feet for no true reason. And he had been jealous earlier, when Knockout had been flirting with you, his face had turned to a snarl underneath his visor. And he had been ready to cleave that useless seeker in two the second he lifted a finger towards you, his energon turning hot as lava. What was he doing? Why was he doing...whatever this was? But you smiled up at him again, your H/C hair reflecting what little light there was, your eyes still somehow retaining the stars you had gazed at so fondly at earlier. He realized, much to his surprise, that he wanted you to look at him the same way you had looked at those stars.

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