Red hot glow - Chapter 17

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(y/n) = change your name or characters name

(h/c) = change to your hair color

(e/c) change to your eye color


You kept pulling at the chains that held you right in place, neither begging or crying mad anyone feel sorry for you. One man came close ripping the back of the dress you wore open as the leader came closer with the red glow, it was easy to see the glow from the ground as it cast a red like shadow in the dimly lit day as the sun was still rise.

The leader sighed knowing it may be worse on the child doing this but had to be done " once this is over you'll learn "he said in a icy and uncaring tone, he reached closer and it was hovering over your skin.

You felt the heat off the poker as it was very close to your skin. A moment passed as you where waiting for it to happen; then their was the sudden feeling of agonisibg heat as the tempatire increased drasticly as you cried out a blood curling scream making a few of thr men cover their ears from the scream that came from your lips.
It burned like hell, where it kept getting worse with out any way to relive it even after he removed it from your back, you where sitting their in pain hunched over shaking and breathing heavy as the head and many others began to walk away, leaving you there to be in pain. Your child began to move panicky and their own heart racing with yours abd you knew it wasn't good for them.

Your back bled all down your bare back staining the dress as you tried to calm down the baby and yourself feeling your belly tense up then stop for a moment and this just continued to happen over and over as people went about their business.


Aragorn stoped with legolas seeing a peice fabric on the tree branch. They go closer to it picking it up showing legions who was on a horse beside him " peice of (y/n)'s dress" Aragorn go off his horse walking forward to look around seeing treading of the earth examining it " she came this way on horse back" Aragorn rushed forward detailing out what happened before stopping when he saw multiple tracks as legolas came up behind him holding both horse's reains.

Legolas looked around as Aragorn looked frantic and worried looking at tracks to figure it out " bandits ...... they must have been here. "Legolas looked at Aragorn who looked shocked and angry

"Bandits! .... And you never thought to inform us for our journey" Aragorn said his face inches away from legolas glareig at him " my child and wife could be with them in danger!"

Legolad watched him walk ahead in a with a mad walk to him " we believed we warded them off from our lands never thought they could be in the woodlen area here"legolas followed Aragorn as he continued to track

" She ..... She is due a month or so ....forgive me for outbursting ...." he stood turning to legolas who put a hand on his shoulder.

"We will find her .... by the valar we will and both will be safe" legolas said as he used his eyes to look ahead. As Aragorn asked him what his woven eyes saw " a camp only slight a few miles not far" legolas said as he handed Aragorn the reins to his horse and they both mounted and ride off with a fast pace


You where let out the chains and in to a tent near the heads for many reasons, one to be closer to him incase you run or if you went in to Labour early and have this baby, he planned to keep it here raise it as his own; they had sent in one of the few females in to help wrap up the burn but nothing else.
The woman was kind to you knowing what it felt like in your position when she was first here but began to love it here; you was lowly moaning uncomfortably in the thing they used as beds here. The woman came closer pushing her hair back a little to get a better look at you as she felt your belly and all you did was look at her.

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