Chapter 2 - Meeting again

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  Time had passed so fast since You and Aragorn had met. you thought of him every moment it made your heart flutter as you thought of him. you wanted to see him again, to see him and feel his rough hands on your face.

You travelled for that time after meeting him, staying in villages for short time before moving on a few days after, maybe just maybe if you where lucky you'd see him. the cloak he had given you still fitted you it reached to your knees as you wore it the hood was pulled up as you travelled to conceal your identity.

You walked on a long trek through the vast land a head of you, it was Rohan you where travelling through. you didn't not know where you where going but you didn't care about that. you continued walking till you saw a large group of something travelling, close together. you came closer. to see it was men who was travelling to Helms deep. you watched for a moment as they kept walking.

Legolas Turned to see you apon a hill in the distance on a rock, he wasent quite sure of who you where in that instance as he readied an arrow to fire. Aragorn seemed to stop his horse beside legolas looking at him " Legolas, mani uma lle elea", he pulled back his arrow to his cheek " ta naa hard nyar-, i' anar duna ar' nurta ta tuulo' amin eyes" he looked to Aragorn who gave look like he was saying to shoot it quietly.

the sudden quietness where you stood was cut short by a whizzing of an arrow, you bearly missed it, but apon your dodge your footing wasn't right as it sent you tumbling down from the ledge of the hill to the ground where Legolas, Aragorn and the people where.

The fall knocked the air out of you, the pain spread across your body, but you had no time as you got to your feet to draw your Blade ready for them to attack but your (e/c) eyes came to Aragorn on his horse, he didn't seem to recognise you as you had your hood was still up. Legolas Pulled back another arrow aiming at you " this time i wont miss" he said looking at you not seeming happy at all.

you lowered your hood and looked to Aragorn " Nae saian luume', Aragorn" a smile spread across your face as you where full of joy to see him. Aragorn got off his horse before holding a hand up to legolas and he lowered his bow. Aragorn came to you as you both embraced in happy it was like a reunion between him an you


that night you had agreed to follow him on his journey, you wanted to spend your timw with him as long as you could.

you sat away from every one looking up at the sky, the large moon that filled the sky with stars all around, but it wasent like before. at home all that time ago it was brighter and more visible but now it was like the stars where fading as the days went on. the world was getting darker place. Aragorn seemed to look over at you smoking his pipe some. he smiled to him self as he smiled remembering what Galadriel said


( Some time ago when Aragorn was in Lothlorien )

Galadriel stood beside Aragon looking out to the vast forest of Lothlorien " Aragorn, you said you met her in a tavern", Aragorn nodded looking at the lady " Yes my Lady, i helped her when she was in need" Galadriel seemed to smile looking at him then the forest 

" she is unusual girl, her mother a human and father my second born. if you see her once again look after her she can be reckless" Aragon nodded at Galadriels request before she placed a hand on him where the silver necklace that (y/n) Gave him. " Lle kola something, tanya means ner a' he' than lle sinta. be nostale a' he'"


Aragorn got up from his place to walk over to you," (y/n), are you alright" he asked, you seemed to look at him having your hood up still " i am fine, just trying to think. Galadriel must be so mad at me" you whisper looking out at the vally. Aragorn seems to place a hand on your shoulder " i do not believe she is mad " it made you blush as he pulled your hood of the cloak down, as he went to reach to touch your cheek but stopped on Hearing Legolas call him. he smiled at you before he left to speak with him as they both seemed to talk for some time alone.

Aragorn looked to Legolas " what is it legolas" he asked looking at him, Legolas seemed to look at you then Aragorn " do not get to involved Aragorn. you know what you are like, " Legoas said to him his blue eyes fixed on Aragorns. Aragorn looked at him expression turned a a little mad " you don't know what she has been through" Aragorn turned and left so did legolas. He sat next to the fire. her looked over at you, your (h/c) hair shined in the low moon light " (y/n)!" he called you as you turned your gaze at him. 

 he smiled as he saw your (e/c) eyes looking at him " Tula, hama neva i'naur" he said as you blushed a little as you got up and started to walk over. he moved over a little to give you space to sit beside him, he put an arm around you pulling you really close as he wraps a blanket round you and him " im sorry (y/n), they didn't have any more " your hear started to flutter as he held you close to him.

Aragorn held you as you closed your (e/c) eyes leaning your head on his shoulder " Kaima, (y/n) " Aragorn said in a whisper as he moved some of your (y/n) out the way of your face. behing half human meant you needed sleep

mani uma lle elea ( what do you see )
ta naa hard nyar-, i' anar duna ar' nurta ta tuulo' amin eyes ( it is hard to tell, the sun rises and hides it from my eyes )
Lle kola something, tanya means ner a' he' than lle sinta. be nostale a' he' ( you carry something, that means more to her than you know. be kind to her )
Tula, hama neva i'naur ( Come, sit near the fire )

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