Lost of a dear friend - Chapter 6

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(y/n) = charactat name
(h/c) = your hair colour
(e/c) = your eye colour


You woke up a few moments later feeling your chest was heavy and thuding with your own heard beat. You felt pulsing pain all over from your arms to your legs, the blast had made you get some bruises on your face and arms. But you knew time wasn't on your side as you got to your feet. pain shot through your body, like beating of a heart constant and there all the time. You ran up the steps to the wall and attacked the Uruk-hai one by one each falling.
You turned to see Aragorn at the other side or the large gap that explosive made and he held a dying person in his arms, you watched as a Uruk-hai came at him and you shot at it to kill it before it reached him, He looked over at you momentarly as he held the dying person.

You turned away to fight more of the Uruk-hai coming at you, you stabbed one in the gut as it made your weapon get stuck and you tried to pull it out of the bleeding black blood gut of the Uruk-hai

(Aragorn's POV)
I held my dear friend in my arms, he had been killed by one of the filthy scum Uruk-hai, i gently made his eyes shut and placed a hand on my chest then to his. an Elvish gesture of respect when saying good bye. I knew (y/n) if she found out would be devistated, it was one of her dear friends, she grew up with him as a kid.

i gently lay Haldir on the ground before turning back to fight. i saw (y/n) in the distance she was fighing still as i turned back to fight on my own not seeing that she had got her weapon stuck in the Uruk-hai.

I ran to jump on to a ladder and made it topple over to the ground crushing many Uruk-hai on the way down, i Turned to see (y/n) fighing as she was making her way down from the wall, we needed to retreat we wouldnt last with the many forces that where comeing at us right now. " (y/n)!!" i yelled out as it made her turn in my birection " lanta n'alaquel !!!" (y/n) nodded as she started to retreat back, but on her war i saw a Uruk-hai knock her hard with their sheild.
she was forced back violently to the ground, with a thud and a yelp. i ran at the Uruk-hai racing at them to try and get to her
and the attacking Uruk-hai. (y/n) used her weapon to stab it in the gut making the black blood squirt out all over her, the Uruk-hai did not die at that point it swung its sword at her, but with the second to spare she lifted her arm up and blocked it, but her armor that shielded her arm didn't protect (y/n).

you blocked the incoming attack from a Uruk-hai but your armor that protected your arms was no match for the force and it broke in to the armor and sliced deep in to her arm but stopped before hitting bone as you yelped in pain.
Aragorn came running over to slice the Uruk-hai's head off and pushed it away and he grabbed your sword from it, you where helped by Aragorn to retreat to the castle and he helped barricade the door.
" Let me see " Legolas asked as he helped you sit and moved your armor to see the large gash on your arm " for now i can help the pain and then bind it for now", Legolas put some kingsfoil on the large gash for now and binded it to let you rest as he turned away to go help the other people.

Aragorn Fought the Uruk-hai as he helped trying to keep the door from being breached, as Théoden stood just at the wall beside the gate so he wasn't attacked " Hold them!!" he ordered. "
" How long do you need !!" Aragorn voice called back to him as Théoden took up his sword once again. he looked to Aragorn " As Long as you can give me"

Gimli and Aragon took the hall to the left of the Gate and opened a door that lead to a ledge that lead round the side to the bridge that the Uruk-hai where trying to get in the Gate, Gimli stood behind Aragorn on the ledge before leaning a little just able to see " come on we can take them". Aragorn looked to Gimli " its a long way"
Gimli took a look round the edge again then to look at Aragorn " Toss me".
Aragorn looked at him surprised " what?". Gimili looked at him " i cannot jump the distance, you'll have to toss me " Aragorn took one arm ready to toss him but Gimli stopped him as he spoke again " Don't Tell the Elf", Aragorn gave a look at him giving a slight smile " Not a word" he said before Tossing Gimli round the ledge to land on the bridge as he fought the Uruk-hai, before he then jumped as well beginning to fight.
Before long they had to get out of their as Aragorn held Gimli as Legolas began to pull them up from the bridge to the castle area. as Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli made their way back in to the castle.

all the men kept barricading the door trying to hold it closed from the Uruk-hai, " The fortress is taken, it is over" Théoden's voice sounded as is he was defeaten already.
" you said the fortress would never fall while your men defended it. they still defend it, they have died defending it" he said Almost angry as the men kept barricading the door, you got up from the small stood ignoring the intense pain that came from your arm and helped the men throwing them some items to use on the door.
" is their no other way to get the women and children out of the caves" Aragorn asked but neither Théoden or a man who was close to him spoke, as only the noise of you and Legolas took a table tipping it and taking it to help barricade the door even more. " is their no other way!" Aragorn asked again this time even more serious.


After the Long fight, People where getting the woman and children out the caves to ready them for the journey, you hadn't seen Haldir since the start of the fight.

You looked through what was left of the people who made it through the fight, but no Haldir. You knew it wasen't like him to run off, you made your way down the steps to the battle field that had hundreds or men, Uruk-hai and Elves scattered on the ground.
As the sun came out ever so slightly familiar armor shined from the wall and you ran up the steps to see it. Haldir, on the ground dead. your breath turned shaky dropping your bow that you held in your hand walking to him tears slightly shedding from your (e/c) eyes.

Haldir's boody lay not like the other, he had been placed down with greatest care, you took out Haldir's sword taking so long to think back when he talked about the adventures he had using that sword. it made you feel like you where going to split in two with the pain in your heart. he didnt deserve this, to die by the filth of the Uruk-hai. you strapped your sword to your belt gently
" A'maelamin, Mellon, thy lirilla est-, lisse' lamya quanta thy heart. lirilla est- " your voice was low and cracly from the pain and tears that fall on to his face,Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli soon found you, placeing a hand on his chest before standing.

Aragorn took a few steps before Legolas placed a hand on his shoulder " Aragorn, Kela he', re anta a' be ereb"
Aragorn looked at Legolas why did he say that" re naa hurtien amin can't kela he' ve' tanya"
After a while they called you as it was time to go.
You rode with Aragorn on his horse, Gimli on with legolas and Gandalf and the king Théoden with two guards riding towards Fangorn forest.
you had to retrieve Merry and Pipin From tree beard. when you got them, you decided to Ride with the guard and let Pipin ride with Aragorn. The horses trudged through the water and Gandalf spoke with Tree Beard.
Pipin saw something glowing in the water before jumping off the horse going towards it " Pipin " Aragorn said watching with a worried face. He lifted what looked to be a black like orb out of the water as he looked at it curious.
" Peregrin Took, Ill take that, my Lad. Quickly now" Gandalf asked as Pipin turned to hand him it, as gandalf wrapped it in his white robes.
A while on you and the rest started to Ride Back to Rohan.


The King Gave a Toast to the Dead when you all got back to Rohan, you where not pleased about having a party to moarn about thr dead even if they where victorious. Aragorn was reluctant to drink at first, Aragorn though of how he saw you over Haldir's death knowing in his heart you did not wish for a party, but alas he had to drink just a little for the toast. he turned to look around not seeing you anywhere in the room.

A'maelamin, Mellon, thy lirilla est-, lisse' lamya quanta thy heart. lirilla est- ( My Beloved Friend, thy lay to rest, sweet sounds fill thy heart. Lay to rest )
Aragorn, Kela he', re anta a' be ereb. ( Aragorn, leave her, she needs to be alone. )
re naa hurtien amin can't kela he' ve' tanya ( She is hurting i can't leave her like that )

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