She sent her team back behind the lines where it would be safe and then all hell broke loose; Aiden starting it with his booming voice.

"You need to stop avoiding me!" He shouted. "Like hell I will!" Ivy yelled back. "I want nothing to do with you! Get that through your thick Dominant brain. You have nothing I want; not anymore."

He seemed to flinch at her words, like they hurt him to hear. Good Ivy thought. She wanted him to hurt the same way he made her hurt. She knew she looked like shit but she didn't care, in the last five days she'd lost weight and her eyes had dark circles that no amount of make-up was going to conceal and her spunk was gone.

"Ivy I want us to talk like two civilized human beings. We can do it at your place or mine but you will hear me out" Aiden said, his voice sounding stretched.

She shrugged before answering. "Fine but not tonight, I have a date and I'm NOT cancelling it. Now if you'll excuse me" she said as she breezed from the room.

The rest of the day went without incident and as soon as her computer clock hit five pm Ivy was out of there. She had to get ready for her rendezvous with Roman. It was going to be at Club Deviant, a small, tiny detail she left out when talking to Aiden. She knew he would be at the club and there wouldn't be a damn thing he could do about it, she wanted him to see her moving on with someone else.

She picked her black skinny leather pants and black lycra halter top with a very cool metal zipper; leaving it down showed a vulgar amount of her breasts but she didn't care. The time for caring had come and gone.

Leaving her hair wild and naturally wavy she made her makeup match her mood; broody and sulking, but it looked like she was being sultry and damn but she was pulling it off.

Once she arrived at the venue she headed for the VIP stairs only to be stopped by the bouncer. "I'm sorry Ms. Glenn. You aren't allowed up there" he said with a very apologetic expression.

"Like fuck she's not" a deep, sexy voice called out and Ivy knew instantly that it was her new Dominant, Roman Mercier.

She tried to hide the hurt she was experiencing over Aiden banning her from the VIP area. The way he was acting at work spoke to something completely different but his actions regarding the club radiated volumes.

Gliding gracefully up the final steps she stood in front of the most sexually hot looking man she'd ever seen, well next to Aiden. She silently cursed herself for even thinking about Aiden while on a date with someone else.

Ivy dropped her head in submission waiting for Roman to make the next move. "You may look at me" he said softly. She raised her head, his gaze searing a path from her brain and straight to her sex.

His gaze was smoldering, oozing sex appeal and she couldn't help but wonder what wonderful body was hidden beneath his tight leather pants and tight black tee shirt; his feet were encased in some sort of leather motorcycle boots and everything hugged his incredible body.

"Are you ready to begin your journey with me, my little sub?" Roman asked of Ivy. She nodded. "Yes Sir, I am." Holding out his hand she didn't hesitate to take it as they proceeded through the intimate lounge.

Walking by the seating area she felt Aiden's gaze ripping into her and she noticed Jensen's scowl but neither of them could do anything; completely helpless and knowing what kind of man Ivy was getting involved with Aiden tried to stop her one more time.

"Don't do this Ivy. He's not the kind of man you think he is. He will hurt you." Ivy couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"You mean like you did? I would rather my physical body be beaten than have the pain that's in my heart right now. You don't get it Aiden, I don't care anymore!"

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