Sincerely Kenny McCormick

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Holy shit I found this notebook today. Shit, this thing is old. And damn does that make me feel old. Every now and then I visit South Park dressed as Mysterion (just to make sure everyone's okay I've stopped missing them as much as I did before)but I don't think I'll have time for that anymore seeing as Abby's pregnant and we're getting married next July. Yeah, I couldn't believe it either. Karen's still dating that Fredrick dude even six years later. (don't worry I learned to forgive him)Criss got with Kyle two years after the explosion...

I don't know why I'm still alive I don't know why I'm still cursed with this immortality I don't know... It took me a long time to accept the only reason. And it isn't good. Cthulhu is still out there dreaming waiting. Even though I blew him up he's slowly reforming. But at least I'm alive and for now, everyone is safe.

For now, I'm getting ready for the day Cthulhu and I will have our final battle our real fight I'm sure he was only playing with me the first two times... I know he was I know he knew what we were up to. Maybe he even knew we were going to go to the goths for help. The thought still frustrates me. Still, I have to get ready for that day. I'm sure it'll be years from now maybe even centuries from now everyone I know may be dead by then. And I'll still be waiting for this bastard to take away my immortality... God DAMN IT! HE'S SUCH AN ASSHOLE! For now, I have to find the others like me(I tell Abby I'm out entertaining as a daredevil while I search for other immortals), stay undercover stay hidden. Karen and Criss are safe because Albert's in jail so I don't need to worry anymore. (Plus mom's divorce basically made her rich). Kyle's dad made sure everything was taken care of so I can rest easy. Now I need to get my things sorted out and wait(AND GOD AM I IMPATIENT!)

I've gone over this book about three hundred times re-reading it over and over again and God I've changed well at least I wish I like to think I have.... God, re-reading this makes me feel... weird. I don't know blasts from the past you want to forget is never good. I don't want to be Kenny anymore. At least not for anyone in my old life. Right now as far as anyone knows that Kenny died in an explosion years ago and this Kenny(me right now this moment) the one who's marrying Abby has lived in Louisiana doing dumb stunts to make ends meet has been there all along. Mysterion is the only tie I will ever have with the people of South Park and they'll never know. I can't put them through any more pain by showing up in their lives again. This book has too many old memories(plus Abby will freak if she ever finds it) so I decided I'm gonna burn it... We're having a barbecue tomorrow for Abby's 24th birthday. I dont know how to explain it but it feels right.

Sincerely yours,

Kenny McCormick

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