Pt.43 The pain and a newborn

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Catherine's POV

I froze. "Is that really how you feel... you need to understand that even if I'm a queen, I'm just a hybrid of millions and thousands of monster races." I said laying down and closing my eyes. "Plus. I lived threw your life and everyone else. I understand most things you all feel." I said. I then felt Ben grab my hand and slid something on my finger. I sat up and saw a black ring that said 'Ben'. I looked at Ben who put a ring on himself. His said 'Cat'. "I guess I kinda get it." He said smiling. "Thanks for the ring," I said. "And also-" I said but was cut off by Slenderman appearing in Ben's room. "Come Cath. We must dispose of the problem." He said. He then disappeared. "What's that about?" Ben said. "Toby broke the rules and brought a human here. We need to dispose of her. Wanna come?" I asked standing and holding my hand out. "Ok." He said. I then teleported us to the torture room. Slender was standing in front of her as she screamed. He was giving her painful thoughts. She then stopped and Slender looked at me. "She fell in love with Toby after bumping into him in the forest. She was gonna commit suicide. But when Toby stopped her, she thought of him as her guardian angle. Despite learning of his past and his killings, she wanted the thrill of loving a killer. She's a fool." Slender said looked at the girl. "Wanna make it more painful? Teach her a lesson for being so ignorant?" I asked Slender walking besides the girl. He nodded. I saw a sinister expression on his face. Even though you can't see him physically smile, his shadows of his skull shows a grin. I smirked and looked at the girl who was crying and showed plead in her eyes. "Wanting the thrill...." I said. "I think you should understand the pain that everyone in the house has felt." I said as I transferred everyone's memories of there pain and how some died, got bullied, or abused. She cried and screamed. She stopped after a while since the memories ended. "Catherine I think you should give her your memories.." Slenderman said. "How much do you think she will scream? I did get burned at the stake by witch hunters, and drowned by them. I was even chained to a safe and dropped in the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean." I said looking at the girls crying face. "How long have you been alive...?" Asked Ben. "There is a painting on the wall that dated back to Mid-evil Times of Slender. And I was born wayyyyyyyyy before him.." I said looking at him. He just stood there. "But I die young every time. That is my curse. Me, Slenderman and my brothers all have a curse." I said. "My cures is I will never find love...if I do fall for a human sooner or later she or he will die from being exposed to harmful radiation and my strength. That's how Slends mother died. After giving birth she passed away." He said. "Even though Slenderman can turn a human into what ever he want, he still doesn't want to. Because before he did want love and before Slends mother, my brothers found a girl who agreed to it. But after a while she realized she was a monster. And her friends aged while she didn't. Her family thought she was a witch and tried to burn her. Then she left and told Trender to turn her back. He couldn't. So she turned herself into a human after stealing one of Slendermans spell books. She soon after fell in love with a man during world war 2. She loved him but during the war he fell and got shot. She felt his life force fade and she teleported to him. She tried to help but couldn't. He fainted from losing blood. She thought he died and she ripped her fake skin off and exposed the real her. He woke up and freaked out as he saw her. He shot her but she didn't die. Then he was shot by the enemy. He died knowing she was a monster. After that she met me. She learnt of my powers after I accident exposed myself by opening a portal without noticing her behind me in the forest. I granted her wish and she died knowing the one she loved wanted to kill her for being a monster. Her curse was loneliness. That's why he doesn't want to find love. He doesn't want another girl to struggle and feel the same way Guenaveare did." I said. I then turned to face Ben. He looked at Slenderman and was sad for him. "So should I show her my pain?" I asked my dear brother. And honestly I feel bad for him too. I Remember that over time before I was reborn into this body, I always searched for Trendermans thoughts. I learnt Slendermans story and even though I hadn't met him, I felt pity and compassion. "Let her feel the pain.." Slendermam said. I then touched her head and her eyes glowed. I linked her mind to mine and began. She screamed and shouted louder and at the top of her lungs. Then I gave her my love life pain. She didn't scream just cry. "I'm sorry........." she said. I felt tears stream down my face as she cried louder. "Do you understand my pain?" I asked. She nodded. "Kill me.......I....I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She said crying. "Why is she apologizes?" Ben asked. "Catherine dies young at the age of 16 to 18. She falls in love but since she dies young she can't be with them. It takes her about 1 year to be reincarnated into another body. A vessel is prepared and soon a human would give birth to a baby girl. That child will grow......that's how she works. At age 15 her eyes will turn crimson red and she will leave her human family or they will be killed. She will then go on with life till she dies again. It can be prevented if she can get into a rejuvenating rose. But she always fails to get into one in time. So when ever she is grown up and looks like she did before, her lover will have moved on or in some rare cases committed suicide. As long as she doesn't fall in love she won't die." Slenderman said. "Kill me..." the girl begged. I smiled and looked down at her. "Just do it..." she begged as tears streamed down her face. "I won't...I want to let you feel more pain. Let you understand that you love Toby only because he has turned into an immortal killer. Know that I think about it, even if I let you live, you will age and die leaving Toby alone. It's funny actually since he doesn't love you.." I said. She looked at me in disbelief. "Yes he does. He was gonna run away with me and we would live together.." she said crying. "He just wants to fill the hole in his heart. He has done it before. But he hasn't let them live more then 4 days in the mansion." Slenderman said. "Catherine. Can you curse Toby to never fall for a human?" Slenderman asked. "It would be like cursing myself since I lived threw his life. Also I don't think he deserves that...even in the darkest of people love should never be out of someone's reach....." I said looking down at the girl. "Kill me please..." she said. "Toby is a half cannibal. I think we cut her up and put her in a soup and give it to Toby, and Jack." Ben said smiling. "We can't." Slenderman said. "Why?" Ben asked. "She has the word 'ION' carved on her. She belongs to Catherine. It is her choice." Slender said. "Yeah, and I think I will make her one of my own. She understand pain. And when I linked her mind to mine I learnt her story. I can't ignore her existence. Half of me wants her dead. But the other half wants..." I said putting a strand of hair behind her ear. "I give you mercy.......however you will need to work for your offense...Welcome to the Ion's." I said smiling. "You will be a newborn and you will be given a home, 10 red crystals, clothes, and a job. If you want to live in the human world you can change 1 crystal which would be 100 dollars. must first earn the right to visit the human world, and I don't give those to just anyone." I said. "I don't have a choice." She said. "No. Ion, or death..if you pick Ion you can pick from light or dark." I said. "Light." She replied. "Ok. You will keep your human appearance and learn to become an Ion. Your job will be at the Orphanage and you will live in the capital." She nodded. I touched her stomach and her nail grew back. The carved word on her stomach even disappeared. I untied her and she sat up nervous and still afraid. I could tell she didn't fully trust me and that's expected. I walked to my wall and got my cloak that was hanging from a holder. I gave it to her and she took it used it on to cover herself since she only had her underwear and bra. "Come. This gives me a chance to visit my kingdom." I said smiling. "What are you? Or who?" She said, her mind overdriving with question. "Just keep an open mind." I said as I went to a wall and touched it. "Open gate of the Ion kingdom." I said.

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