Wait, School?!

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"Rose, wake up you're going to be late for school!" My aunt shook me to wake up.

I groaned.

"What?" I said sitting up in my bed,"there's only like, a month of high school left here aunt Lauren."

She threw clothes at my face.

"Still, you're going." She left my room so I could change. I came out of my room three minutes later wearing a light pink shirt with my black hoodie over it, and some skinny blue jeans. I grabbed my red backpack that my aunt had prepared for me and I walked over towards the door and quickly put on my grey vans. I said goodbye to my aunt and left the apartment building. I stood at the bus stop alone for five minutes until I saw Peter arrive.

"Hey Peter!" I waved at him.

"Hey Rose," he held his back pack straps a little tight,"are you going to school?"

I sighed.

"Ya, my aunts making me go for this last month."

"Well, it's gonna be an interesting month for you." Peter smiled at me.

"Why's that?" I asked smiling back.

"You're gonna get tons of homework, and we have some tests coming up." Peter sat down on the bench next to me.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Nothing I can't handle." I laughed.

We talked for ten minutes until the bus arrived. Peter walked on before me. I slowly made my way up the steps looking for a seat to sit in. I found one by a group of boys and sat down in the empty seat looking out the window. Peter had found a seat towards the back near his friends.

Once the bus moved I could sense something was going to happen. I told myself never to show my abilities in public unless I was in my suit. So, for the rest of this month of high school, I had to act completely normal.

I felt something wet hit my cheek and I wiped it off noticing that it was a spit ball. I could hear the boys laughing at me.

I ignored them and looked out the window again, pulling up my hood to hide my face from any other attacks. Peter wasn't joking about my month of high school being interesting.

After the bus ride we arrived at school. I let everyone go before I did, but the boys wouldn't go out so I did. As I got off the bus, books in my hands, one of the boys came over to me and slammed them out of my grip.

"Hey!" I shouted at them.

"Look at her!" One of the boys exclaimed," she's so mad!"

"You guys are jerks you know that!" I went to picked up my books from off the ground only to be shoved.

One of the boys stood in front of me and held a fist in the air. He was actually going to hit me!

One kid grabbed his arm and pulled him away from me.

"Dude, it's the principal." He pointed towards the man standing in the doorways greeting the students.

They started to back away and I said something I knew I was going to regret.

"That's right, walk away!" I mentally slapped myself after that.

"You better hope we don't cross paths newbie." Then they walked away.

"Jerks." I muttered to myself and started to pick up my books. Then someone else started helping me.

I looked up to see Peter gathering my books.

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